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some of her hapu will probably be held by the owners as sufficient reason for refusing to give her the nine shares, and the payment of bonuses for services rendered by chiefs has been repudiated by the Government. With regard to the promise made by Mr. Grace of the payment of a bonus for services to Karawhira, he explains that, in the exercise of his discretionary powers as a Land Purchase officer, he has always considered himself empowered to make such payments under the head of " Contingencies," provided he does not exceed the price per acre authorised by the Government to be paid for the land; that he has on several occasions exercised this power; and that these payments, appearing in his accounts under the head of "Contingencies," have never been questioned by the department. All which we respectfully submit for your Excellency's consideration. Given tinder our hands and seals at Auckland, this 17th day of August, 1889. (1.5.) T. M. Haultain. (1.5.) Hanita Te Aweawe. Copt op Agreement befebbed to in the Eepoet. Tapuaeharuru, 24th March, 1887. Horaaruhe Pouakani Block. —In the matter of the arrangement made this day in Court by all the parties concerned, whereby the case of Waraki Kapu was withdrawn from Court on condition of seven thousand two hundred acres being given to nine persons whose names are recorded in Court, and whose names also being excluded from the remainder of the block, the following further conditions are agreed to by the Government Land Purchase Officer in the matter of a sale to the Crown, now under negotiation by Ngatiwairangi, of a portion of the Horaaruhe Pouakani Block, amounting to an area of sixty-flve thousand acres, namely : that one of the nine persons above referred to, namely, Karawhira Kapu, be paid a bonus on completion of said sale, being one-seventh part of whatever sum may be available for bonuses to chiefs for services; also, that when the amount of money for each individual share of the consideration-money (after defraying survey costs) for such, sale is fixed and known, then an additional sum of money equal to nine such shares is to be paid to the said Karawhira Kapu. On the part of Waraki Kapu and Kapu te Kohika, with their section of Natives, undertake to cease and withdraw all opposition to the settlement of the balance of the block as amongst the Ngatiwairangi, Ngatimoe, and Ngatikorotuohu Hapus, and also to the best of their ability to have the names of seven persons of the Ngatiwairangi, to be named by Hapeta te Paku, to be inserted in the list of names for the Tihoi Block. W. H. Geace, Native Land Purchase Officer, Taupo. Kaeawhiea Kapu. Witnessed by E. A. Whitakee, Solicitor. True copy.—H. F. Edgee. Exhibit D. My dear. Me. Moon, — Taupo, Tuesday, 1.30 p.m., 7th June, 1887. I write you this letter to notify that Te Eehina and Tini Waata, who have this day set up cases claiming to be admitted into the Pouakani Block, is in direct violation of the agreement between Mrs. Moon, Kapu te Kohika, and Waraki Kapu and myself. If you will look at the agreement you will see that it distinctly states that the above parties, on their own behalf and that of their section of Natives, undertake to withdraw all claims they may have to Pouakani Block. Tini Waata, who is Kapu's brother, and Te Eehina, who is his mother, cannot be called anything else than belonging to Kapu's section of Natives. Of course this sort of proceeding simply makes the agreement void. Yours, &c, True copy.—H. P. Edgee. W. H. Geace.

COMMISSION. Onslow, Governor. To all to whom these presents shall come, and to the Honourable Theodoee Minuet Hatjltain, of Auckland, and Hanita te Aweawe, of Palmerston North, Greeting: Wheeeas, at a sitting at Taupo, the Native Land Court, on the 24th day of September, 1887, gave its decision on an investigation into the ownership of the Tauponuiatia block of land, situate in the Taupo District, in the Provincial District of Auckland : And whereas a question has arisen as to the western boundary of the said block; and it is desirable that a Commission should be appointed to inquire into and ascertain whether or not such western boundary, as delineated on the plan hereunto annexed, and thereon coloured red, is correctly defined, or whether such boundary requires to be readjusted: And whereas a Native chief named Hitiri Paerata alleges that he and his people suffered an injustice in relation to a portion of the same block known as Pouakani, and have just grounds of grievance in relation thereto : And whereas it is alleged that under an agreement made with William Henry Grace, a Government Land Purchase Officer, Karawhira Kapu was induced to withdraw large claims of her own and her relations to a certain portion of the Pouakani Block, in consequence of the promises made to her in the said agreement: And whereas it is desirable that the said several matters be inquired into and reported on :

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