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3. SCHOLABSHIPS HELD AT THE SCHOOL DUBING THE LAST QuAETEB OF THE YeAE. Education Board Scholarships. —-Seven at £4 15s. The school gives free education to these scholars. WANGANUI HIGH SCHOOL. Statement of Receipts and Expendituee for the Year ending 31st December, 1888. Genebal Account. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Balance, 31st December, 1887— £ s. a. By Salary of Secretary .. .. .. S 0 0 Current Account .. .. .. 259 16 6 Transferred to Investment Account .. 1,924 10 0 Fixed Deposit .. .. .. 490 0 0 Balance on 31st December, 1888 .. 213 13 6 Eent of leases .. .. .. 123 0 0 Interest on mortgages .. .. 470 7 0 , Loan refunded .. .. .. 800 0 0 £2,143 3 6 . £2,143 3 6 Investment Account. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. dTo Balance, 31st December, 1887 .. .. 6,728 12 5 By Mortgage paid off .. .. 800 0 0 Transfer from General Account .. 1,924 10 0 Balances on 31st December, 1888— On mortgage .. .. .. 6,128 12 5 On fixed deposit .. .. .. 1,724 10 0 £8,653 2 5 £8,653 2 5 A. A. Beowne, Secretary. Examined and found correct—James Edwabd PitzGebald, Controller and Auditor-General. WANGANUIENDOWED SCHOOL Eepoet op the Tbustees. The Trustees of the Wanganui Industrial School Estate have to report that, during the past year, the school suffered a great loss by the death of the late headmaster (Eev. Dr. Harvey), to whose untiring zeal and energy the high position to which the school has attained is mainly due. The appointment has been conferred upon Mr. W. Empson, M.A., and the Trustees have every reason to be satisfied with the manner in which the school is conducted by him; it still maintains its high character, and the number of pupils attending it is as large as at any time since its foundation. The late Dr. Harvey collected certain moneys for the purpose of erecting a chapel for the school, and this he was enabled to accomplish with the assistance of a grant of £200 from the Trustees. The whole of the land belonging to the School Estate is now let, the gross annual rental being £780. This rental is chargeable with the repayment of moneys borrowed by the late Dr. Harvey for school buildings, and with interest thereon. That debt, at the 30th June last, amounted to £2,270 16s. of which a sum of £700 is due on the Ist January, 1892 ; the remainder is being paid off by monthly instalments. O. Wellington, Chairman. Statement of Receipts and Expenditube for the Year ending 31st December, 1888. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Current income from reserves .. .. 828 12 10 By Dr. balance at beginning of year.. .. 299 12 0 Law costs refunded 0 10 6 Management— Insurance refunded .. .. .. 13 3 Salary .. .. .. .. 40 13 6 Insurance Company re fire .. .. 34 17 0 Other expenses 7 11 0 Dr. balance at end of year .. .. 197 10 5 Survey 600 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 6 4 6 Site and buildings— Purchases and new works .. .. 179 5 0 Fencing, repairs, &c 98 11 4 Insurance and taxes .. .. .. 169 5 6 Interest on current account .. .. 255 11 2 £1,062 14 0 £1,062 14 0 O. Wellington, Chairman. Chas. P Powles, Secretary. Audited and found correct—A. Filmee, Accountant, 7th January, 1889.