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Table No. 1. Classified Summary of Net Expenditure on Native Schools during 1888. £ s. d. Village-school salaries .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11,594 7 4 Teachers' allowances for special objects .. .. .. .. .. .. 58 6 8 Teachers' removal allowances .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 103 16 8 Compensation to teacher for loss of office .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 0 0 Books and school requisites .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 400 15 4 Prizes for regular attendance .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 193 7 4 Standard prizes .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 25 9 0 Prizes for passing final examination at boarding-schools .. .. .. .. .. 899 Planting sites ..■ .. .. .. '.. .. .. .. 100 Repairs and small works .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 373 13 3 Inspector .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 470 16 8 District Superintendents .. .. .. ~ .. .. .. 20 16 8 Inspectors' travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 255 9 3 District Superintendents' travelling-expenses .. .. .. .. .. .. 14 0 0 Board of girls with teachers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 0 0 Subsidies for games .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 14 6 Subsidies for music .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 10 0 0 Sundries (including sewing - material, £150 11s. 6d., and deducting refunds for sewing -material, £93 18s. 3d., and refund from To Makarini Trustees, £30 13s. 6d.) .. .. .. 358 0 11 Boarding-schools, higher education, and apprenticeship .. .. .. .. .. 1,538 17 3 Travelling-expenses of scholars sent to boarding-schools .. .. .. .. .. 61 8 6 Buildings, fencing, furniture, &c. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1,441 18 7 Total .. .. .. .. .. .. £16,989 7 8 Note.—Of the above total, £210 Is. was paid from Native reserves funds, leaving a net Government expenditure of £16,779 6s. Bd.

Table No. 2. Ages of the Children on the Books of the Native Village Schools at 31st December, 1888

Age. Boys. Girls. Total. Percentage. Inder five years .. 36 40 76 3-03 and under ten years 731 603 1,334 68-10 'en and under fifteen years .. 584 414 998 39'73 'if teen years and upwards .. 61 43 104 4-14 Totals.. 1,412 1,100 2,012 100-00