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demoralised." Such futilities impose on no one, and, if nothing better can be said, then would it be better to say nothing. The unwillingness to accept frankly an adverse decision with which our colonial youth have been charged would seem to have extended to some of those of a larger growth. I have, &c, The Chairman, Education Board, Nelson. W. C. Hodgson, Inspector.

Summary of Results for the Whole District.

GEEY. Sir, — Education Office, Greymouth, 31st March, 1889. I have the honour to present my third annual report upon the schools of the district. The number of schools to be examined this year was twenty ; the number at the end of 1887 was eighteen. The new schools are at Eichardson and Ngahere, on the line of the Greymouth and Eeefton Eailway, and the construction of the line may be considered the principal cause of their necessity. Owing to the very inclement and unseasonable weather which prevailed at the end of last year I was compelled to postpone the examination of two of the schools—viz., Kynnersley and Teremakau Settlement—the two outposts of the district, at opposite extremities —until this year. The following table gives a means of comparison with the work of the previous years:—

The result of the comparison may be considered decidedly satisfactory, especially when due allowance is made for the impediments to good progress. Taking the widest comparison allowed by the table —viz., that between the years 1885 and 1888 —we find the following increases: In roll number, 341; in number of scholars within standard classification, 286; in number enrolled in standard classes who were present at examination, 222 ; in number promoted to a higher standard, 229. Comparing the two years as to the percentage of promotions the result is very favourable, as reference to the table will show. The various appendices attached to this report supply a large amount of information in detail, and the following table gives particulars concerning class and additional subjects : —

4—E. Ib.

Standard Classes. Presented. Absent. Excepted. Failed. Passed. Average Age of those that passed. Yrs. mos. S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 SI P. 96 298 500 673 709 760 718 1,698 13 29 40 37 30 26 8 30 30 44 36 16 64 146 159 178 130 80 213 295 444 450 564 596 13 7 12 9 11 10 11 0 9 9 8 9 Totals 5,452 175 164 757 2,562 * * Mean ave: :age age, 11-2 years.

1885. 1886. 1887. 1888. Boll number on day of examination Number of above who have already passed the standard course (Class S 7) .. Within standard classification Number enrolled in standard classes present at examination Number promoted to a higher standard Percentage of promotions— On roll number of school On roll number of standard classes On number present in standard classes Mean of average age in standards Mean of average age of those who passed ... Percentage of passes in standard pass subjects 1,383 14 872 828 579 41-87 66-4 69-93 1,484 28 994 830 594 40 59-7 71-5 lly. lm. lly. 6m. . 1,513 27 1,058 972 676 44-6 64 70 lly. 4m. lly. 5m. 1,724 9 1,158 1,050 808 46-8 69-7 83-8 lly. 6m. lly. 7m. 85 78 78