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5. Which of the great ocean-basins receives the greatest number of large rivers'? Name some of the principal rivers that flow into it, and account for their magnitude. 6. Name four of the most important towns in Russia, Italy, United States of America, and China; and tell the position of each, and anything interesting you know about each of them. 7. What and where are the following : Atlas, Congo, Erebus, Euphrates, Hayti, Hecla, Lassa, Lewis, Madeira, Molyneux, Timbuctoo, and Valparaiso ? 8. Name (a) the chief republics and (b) the principal empires in the world; and give the seat of Government and the present ruler in each. 9. Draw an outline-map of Australia, New Guinea, and Tasmania, naming only the capes, capitals, and straits. 10. What are the principal exports to Britain from China, Italy, and New Zealand ? History. — For Class D. Time allowed : 3 hours. [Candidates are expected to attempt all the Questions/ 1. Give au outline of the Eoman and the Danish conquest of Britain. 2. State briefly the place and importance of each of the following in English history : Auselm, the Constitutions of Clarendon, the Charter of the Forest, the Peace of Bretigny, and the Act of Supremacy. 3. Were the illegal acts of Charles the First the only causes of the civil war ? Examine the state of feeling in England before his reign. 4. What features in Cromwell's character and mind brought him so easily to the front ? and how does his foreign policy compare with that of the Stuarts ? 5. Describe and account for the rapid development of the power of the House of Commons between 1688 and 1837. 6. Sketch the growth of Puritan manners and modes of thought and emotion during the seventeenth century, and show how they have persisted amongst the English people, or indirectly influenced them, up to our own century. 7. Give an account of the reactionary influence of the French Revolution on English legislation, administration, and social feeling. 8. Investigate the causes of the outburst of literature in England during the close of last century and the beginning of this, and its connection with public events. 9. Compare Sir Robert Walpole, the younger Pitt, and Canning, as to character and policy. 10. What do you know of the Plantation of Ulster, Pride's Purge, Monmouth's Rebellion, Fontenoy, Culloden, the trial of Warren Hastings, and the Act for the abolition of slavery ? History. — For Class H and Junior Civil Service. Time allowed : 3 hours. [Candidates are expected to attempt all the Questions.] 1. Give the names of the Saxon kings after Alfred, and the chief events of their reigns in order of time. 2. State what you know of Magua Charta, Bannockburn, Jack Cade, Perkin Warbeck, and the Spanish Armada. 3. Give a brief history of the Court of High Commission and the Star Chamber, with especial reference to the reigns of James the First and Charles the First. 4. Sketch the course of the Civil War. 5. What difficulties had William the Third to contend with in ruling England, and what elements in his character gave him the mastery ? 6. Describe the efforts which the exiled Stuarts made to regain the English throne, and show why they failed. 7. Trace the steps by which the American Colonies were led to rebel, and account for the success of the movement. 8. What part in the politics of England was taken by Fox? by Burke ? by the younger Pitt? by the Duke of Wellington ? 9. Write a brief life of Nelson, with special reference to his naval victories. 10. How was India brought under English sway ? Sketch the careers of Clive and Warren Hastings. History. — For Senior Civil Service. Time allowed : 8 hours. [Candidates are expected to attempt all the Questions.] 1. How did Ireland affect English politics between 1688 and 1837? 2. Show how English manners softened during the eighteenth century, and indicate the causes of the change. 3. Describe and account for the rapid development of the power of the English House of Commons between 1688 and 1837. 4. Sketch the character of George the Third, and give a brief history of his use of power. 5. Give an account of the reactionary influence of the French' Revolution on English legislation, administration, and social life. 6. Investigate the causes of the outburst of literature in England during the close of last century and the beginning of this, and its connection with public events. 7. Compare Sir Robert Walpole, the younger Pitt, and Canning, as to character and policy. 8. How did the application of steam to manufactures and locomotion influence English civilisation, economically and socially, during the last quarter of last century and the first thirtyseven years of this ?