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Tomahawk Boad. —The road from the Queen's Drive, Musselburgh, to the main road near the Tomahawk Lagoon is being formed and metalled. It is 14 miles in length. Portobello Beach Boad. —The widening of this road to 30ft. for about 14 miles is in progress. General. —As in the case of Canterbury, the three last-mentioned road-works in Otago were done by "unemployed " labour. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. For convenience, the works done during the whole year are included in this report, although from the Ist January, 1889, the public buildings have been under the control of the Defence Department. Auckland District. Mount Eden Gaol. —The ground floor was completed ready for occupation in November. Since then the second concrete floor has been finished, and the walls are well in hand up to the level of the roof. Whctu Lunatic Asylum. —After the contract for the additions to the Asylum was finished, the fittings were undertaken, and the patients are now occupying the new wing. Government House. —The ceilings have been renewed and the house painted and repaired. The repairs to the Admiralty House, rendered necessary by the fire in December, were also carried out. Departmental Buildings, Auckland.— The contract is still in progress under the charge of Mr. Mahoney. It is expected that the building will practically be finished on the expiry of the contracttime, in July next. Courthouses. —A contract has been let for a new Courthouse at Onehunga, and the present Courthouse fenced in. Eepairs have been executed to the Courthouses at Hamilton, Coromandel, and the Thames ; also to the District Court at Auckland. Police-stations. —A new station was erected at Mercer, and repairs and improvements carried out at Auckland and Hamilton. Wanganui District. Post-office, Palmerston North. —The new post-office will probably be finished by the end of May. Lock-tip, Waipiro. —This building is now in course of erection. General. —Various minor repairs to the buildings throughout the district were done, and the maintenance attended to. Wellington District. Mount Cook Gaol. —Considering the small number of prisoners available, fair progress has been made. All labour was concentrated on the southern wing, and, with the exception of the temporary end-wall, all the brickwork is finished. With a view of reducing the cost, the designs for the tower were reconsidered, a modified plan being decided upon and carried out. Government Printing Office. —The necessary fittings were supplied under three contracts, and the building is now occupied. The boundary-fence, a fire-prevention service, and additional stairs have also been provided, and the circular stairs cased in. General Post Office. —The contractor has made such good progress with the restoration of this building that in all likelihood it will be completed early in May. Two of the rooms are already finished and occupied by the Superintendent of Telegraphs. Post-office, Mastertou.— The staff of the post and telegraph offices having been amalgamated, the office-accommodation was rearranged, the interior at the same time being renovated and papered. Parliamentary Buildings. —The exterior and roofs are now being painted and the fences repaired. To accommodate the additional dynamo required to run the electric light in the Legislative Council, the roof of the engine-shed has been raised, and extra shafting provided. Departmental Buildings, Wellington. —After a thorough overhaul and repair, the outside and roof are being painted: the work is nearly finished. For the better protection of the building in the event of fire, folding-doors have been put at the north and south ends of the corridors to lessen the draught, and partitions erected in the roof; also trap-doors and ladders outside. Government House. —A contract was entered into for painting the outside and roof, and another prepared for renovating the interior in readiness for the arrival of His Excellency the Governor. Police-stations. —At Martinborough a contract for a new station is in progress. Two additional rooms were built at Eketahuna; the watch-house at Masterton, the station at the Upper Hutt, and the office and lock-up at Featherston re-roofed with galvanised iron, the latter being painted inside and out at the same time. Hospital, Wellington. —The distempering, postponed when the additions contract was in progress on account of the dampness of the walls, has since been done. Mount View Asylum. —The hot-water service being in a very unsatisfactory state, it was taken out, and a new service laid. Supreme Court. —Alterations and improvements in the drainage have been effected. General. —The lithographic machinery for the Survey Department was fitted up in the old Government Printing Office ; some minor alterations and repairs to the quarantine-station, Soames's Island, carried out; four water-meters imported and fixed at the Departmental Buildings, Printing Office, Eailway Station, and Government Insurance Office ; and the Government Buildings generally repaired and maintained.