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The following table will show the results of working this water-race last year:—

This shows the value of the sales of water for last year to be £1,045 Is. Bd., as against £1,071 19s. 2d. for the year previous; being a decrease of £26 17s. 6d. from last year. The expenditure on maintenance was £1,173 15s. id., which is only 4s. more than the year previous. The loss on working last year was £128 13s. Bd., or £27 Is. 6d. more than the previous year. The average number of miners employed in claims worked by means of this water-race is fortyfive, as against fifty-nine the year previous, and the approximate amount of gold obtained by these has been 1,6230z., representing a value of £6,207 19s. 6d., making their average weekly earnings, after deducting sales of water, £2 14s. Id. per man. The value of free water given to open out claims and test ground during the year was £353 6s. Bd. The total cost of constructing this work has been £90,721 4s. Bd. Akgyle Watee-eace, Nelson. This water-race is in very good repair, and, with the exception of small slips that may occasionally take place after heavy rain, there is no likelihood of any expenditure being required for repairs beyond what can be done by the maintenance-men. The supply of water in the dam at the time of my visit was very low, there being only about 3ft. 6in. above the sill of the sluice-gate ; but the heavy rains since have no doubt again filled the dam. The average daily supply of water required for the claims that are being worked by this water-race is about five sluice-heads for nine hours. Most of the water is being used at the lower end of the race. The ground above Ballarat Gully, where the race originally terminated, is getting nearly worked out. O'Lcary and party, who hold most of the known payable auriferous ground at the lower end of the race, have constructed a ditch and about 900 ft. of a siphon across a gully which is about 150 ft. in depth, to take the water to their claim. This does away with the necessity of any further extension of the race being ever required, as O'Leary and party's supply-race will work the whole of the auriferous ground on the terrace up to the Nile .River. With regard to the future prospects of this water-race, there is sufficient ground to work which is known to be payable to utilise the water from the race for several years, but there is no possibility of any large revenue being derived from it. Still, the race can be worked at a small profit, which will probably amount to from £50 to £80 per annum. This will not pay interest on the cost of construction, but it will be the means of giving remunerative employment to a limited number of miners, and allow ground to be worked which otherwise would lie idle. The following table- will show the results of working this water-race during last year :—

Mouth. Sales of Water. Expenditure. Number of Men Employed. Approximate Amount of Gold obtained. Valneo f Gold at £3 16s. 6d. per oz. 18S7. £ s. a. 124 18 4 142 1 8 141 7 G 78 3 4 80 12 6 69 16 8 45 10 0 73 17 6 91 5 10 £ s. a99 18 8 100 8 8 94 2 0 96 2 0 98 5 0 96 12 0 93 12 0 97 1 0 100 4 0 Oz. 199 208 184 144 150 120 92 108 129 £ s. d. 761 3 6 795 12 0 703 16 0 550 16 0 573 15 0 459 0 0 351 18 0 413 2 0 493 8 G Vpril .. Hay rune Fuly Uigust .. September Dctobcr.. November December 1888.'' 60 62 5G 48 51 41 43 41 40 lannary ?ebruary March .. 59 11 8 70 11 8 66 5 0 93 12 0 93 13 0 105 4 0 36 32 31 74 113 102 283 1 0 432 4 C 390 3 0 Totals 541* 1,623 6,207 19 G 1,045 1 8 1,173 15 4 * Averaj 45.

Month. Sales of Water. Expenditure. Numbor of Men Employed. Approximate Amount of G-old obtained. Value of Gold at £3 16s. per oz. 1887. £ s. d. 46 11 7 42 12 0 36 16 9 34 9 0 40 14 9 32 1 2 34 5 4 35 6 10 32 2 3 £ s. d. 29 18 0 39 4 0 31 13 9 41 10 1 31 1 0 38 7 0 29 18 0 29 18 0 32 16 0 Oz. 50 50 47 57 85 50 48 45 45 £ s. a, 190 0 0 190 0 0 178 12 0 216 12 0 323 0 0 190 0 0 182 8 0 171 0 0 171 0 0 Vpril .. Hay fune uly .. August .. September October .. November December 21 19 18 22 21 20 23 17 21 1888. 33 15 4 51 1 7 35 16 2 29 18 0 32 19 0 31 1 0 23 21 21 46 45 62 174 16 0 171 0 0 235 12 0 fanuary.. February March .. Totals i 398 3 10 247* 455 12 9 630 2,394 0 * Average, 20.