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No.8— continued. —Return of Field-work executed by Staff and Contract Surveyors, from 1st July, 1887, to 30th June, 1888.

{Approximate Cost of Paper.—Preparation, nil; printing (exclusive of plans) 1,875 copies, £38165.]

By Authority: Gkobgb Didsbury, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB.


PROVINCIAL DIl 'RICT OF 10UTHLAND. Surveyor and District. ■ D9 © © < Rural and Suburban. © . © . CC en c© - § 5 g Total .£ ©■< J ° Towi CD is Section Survey. O . CD 02 CD CD oo -go I ° rold-mining Survey. OtherWork. Total Cost of Surveyor andj Party from 1st July, 1887, to 30th June, 1888. Bemarks. Total Cost. CO CD U O < Cost per Allotments. Total Cost. CD O Total Cost. Cost. Staff. "ohn Hay. Jacob's River and Longwood s. a. £ s. a. 12 £ s. a. 10 0 £ s. d. 8 0 0 s. a. £ s. a. £ s. d. 41 10 0 £ s. d. 305 8 3 In progress, i.e., near completion, 70 sections, 1,318 acres in bush, Colac Bay Native Reserve. Cost to aate, £255 18s. 3d. Surveyor was surveying special blocks in the Otago District for greater part of year. Fee-system. 2. S. Miller. Longwooa, Campbelltown, Invercargill, Jacob's River, ana Otara 127 10 0 98 5 9 225 15 9 1,702 275 13 1 6 22 4 0 433 10 4 6}| Five of the surveys were saw-mill areas, and three of the other surveys were bush-claa. The mining surveys were partly special claims and partly mining leases. Two purchases ana one saw-mill area. r, Hannah. Invercargill, Wairio, ana Mataura J. C. Taylor. Campbelltown 3 1 7 22 4 0 165 1 1 2} 10 0 0 10 0 0 Saw-mill area. Means ana totals 2,142 17 1 6 159 14 0 12 10 0 8 0 0 433 10 4 6} 98 5 9 41 10 0 563 8 0