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Chargeable to Pabt I.

Appropriations for Public Works Services.

Item. 1888-8 Amount i Voted for j Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorised MINISTER OE LANDS— continued. £ £ £ £ e £ VOTE IS:o. 81— continued. j Roads to opkx up Lands before Salis — continued. Auckland —continued. G | Hamilton-Whatawhata Drain 7 i Waerenga-Wangamarino 8 j Mansjakahia !) | Herd's Point-Takaliue 10 Puhoi-Makarau 11 Omaha 12 "Waimamaku-Pakanne 18 : Awaroa Swamp, drains and roads 14 Otama to Deeds, „ 15 Taupo, vid Eotoaira.lo Waimarino ... 1G Kawhia-Waipa .17 I Wangaro-Akatea 18 Akaaka Swamp 19 Brain, To A.voha 20 I Humia District 21 • Puriri to Tairua 22 ! Tairua to Whenuakiti 23 I Whangaroa to Waitetuna 24 Huka Falls to Puketarata 25 Eotorua-Galaten 26 ' Eotorua-Waiotapu 27 I Mata to Kauroa 28 Miscellaneous 29 Approach Miranda Wharf £ for £ ... 400 500 900 1,000 220 200 -100 100 200 670 180: 330! 250; 290: 4101 200' 200: 250! 320 20 500 200 900 100 400 500 1,880 2,000 470 200 800 290 200 1,000 180 330 300 300 750 300 200 250 500 20 700 200 1,900 100 10,200 16,450 HawTce's Bat/ — 30 Tologa-Mangatokerau 31 Tologa-Arakihi 32 Ormond-Waiapu 33 Orrnond to Opotiki 34 Waipaoa Eiterto Oilspring 35 "VVairoa to Eotokakarangu 36 Makaretu 37 Tautane Eeserve 38 Victoria and Bush Mills Settlements ... 39 Miscellaneous 130 0501 300 600: 650: 200; IJOO 1 1,180 100; 500, 4,580| 300 50 900: 1,000 170 1 100 600 170 500 100 ... 300: , ) 4,190 300 1,250 600 900 1,000 200 500 1,630 100 900 7,380 600 50 1,600 1,000 170 300 600 170 200 500 200 350 600 6,340 Trvaniikt. — 40 Pukcaruhe to Mokau 41 • Inglcwood to Waitara 42^ Eoads East of Waitara (KTgatiiuaru) 43 ' Bridge over Waitara-'N'gatimaru _H Eoads East of Stratford Huiroa District 4 q Eltham and Branch Eoads 47 Native Trust Blocks 4 g Bush Land Inland of Patea 49 Eoads inland of Mokoia ;50 Alfred Eoad gi Eotokare and Branch Eoads 52 Miscellaneous