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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Servics

!tem. 18 .8-89. PRISONS— continued. VOTE No. 25— continued. Salaries— continued. Naseby— Gaoler 81 156 85 Lcnorence — Gaoler 156 Other Charges— Lodging Allowances, 50 at £20 Rations, Fuel, Light, &c. Clothing, Bedding, Furniture, &c. Medicines and Medical Comforts Other Necessaries Tools and Materials for Prison Labour, &c. ... Uniforms for Prison Officers Contingencies and Travelling Expenses 19,730 8G 87 88 89 00 91 92 93 1,000 6,700 1,200 700 250 400 800 1,800 12,350 Less estimated credits under Section 10 of" The Public Revenues Act, 1882 " 3,000 Total —Vote No. 25 9,350 29,080 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES. 1 2 3 VOTE No. 26. Purchase of Reports and Treatises for Crown Law Office Subsidy towards publication of New Zealand Law Reports Gratuity in trust to wife and children of Clerk of Resident Magistrate's Court, Hokitika, on his leaving the service, one year's pay To make good documents left unstamped by the late Clerk of Courts at Riverton Contingencies 50 150 300 4 7 2,500 C Total—Vote No. 26 3,007 iTAL OE CLASS IV. £106, 102