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Appropriations for Consolidated Fund Services.

tern 1888-89. STJPEEME COUET. 1 2 3 4 5 1883-89. Total number of officei'a ... 33 VOTE No. 20. Salaries— Auckland — Registrar Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner ... Assistant Office Cleaner ... ... 400 240 110 157 10 6 7 8 9 10. Wellington — Registrar (also Registrar Court of Appeal) Deputy Registrar (0 months) Clerk Crier and Messenger .. Messenger and Office Cleaner, and Office Cleaner to Official Assignee and Resident Magistrate's Court ... Assistant Office Cleaner 400 113 175 140 11 120 30 Napier — Registrar (also Sheriff fees) Cadet Office Cleaner - 12 13 14 280 90 25 15 it; 17 18 19 20 Ghristchurch — Registrar Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier and Messenger ... ... ■ ... Office Cleaner Assistant Messenger 400 200 11.0 127 50 65 Hokitika — Crier 10 21 22 23 24 25 Dunedin — Registrar Deputy Registrar Clerk Crier, Messenger, and Office Cleaner 400 240 150 186 26 27 2S 29 30 31 82 33 34 InvercarqUl — Registrar and Clerk District Court (2 months) Cadet Crier and Messenger Clerk to Chief Justice, "Wellington Clerk to Judge, Auckland Clerk to Judge, Wellington Clerk to Judge, Canterbury Clerk to Judge, Otago Contribution to Vote " Land and Deeds Registry " 50 50 15 100 100 100 100 100 175 5,018 35 36 Other Charges— Expenses of Circuit Courts and Court of Appeal Fees to be refunded to Sheriffs 2,000 1,000 3,000 Total—Vote No. 20 8,018