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other House, are not materially affected by the fact that Hansard is in New Zealand an official record of debates in Parliament published by authority, it having been held that the last-mentioned rule in the Imperial Parliament applies only to debates no official record of which is published by authority, and not to reports, votes, or proceedings of either House as they are recorded and printed by authority (May's " Parliamentary Practice," 9th edition, p. 368). 10. That at the time of the presentation of the paper there was no question before the House having any reference to the subject thereof, and therefore what has been done cannot have been done with a view to influence a decision cf the House. 11. That, seeing, therefore, that the Native Minister, when presenting the paper, stated briefly its nature, and that the House thereafter resolved that it should lie on the table and be printed, your Committee cannot; recommend that any objection be made to what has been done on the ground that a breach of privilege has been committed. On the question being put that clause 9, as proposed by Mr. Samuel, be adopted, a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, 3. —Hon. Mr. Hislop, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Seymour. Noes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. W. D. Stewart, Mr. Walker. Clause 9, as proposed, was therefore negatived. Mr. Samuel thereupon asked leave to withdraw the succeeding clauses, 10 and 11, proposed by himself. Leave to withdraw proposed clauses 10 and 11 was granted. Moved by Mr. Samuel, That the following be clause 9 of the report:— 9. Seeing, therefore, that at the time of the presentation of the paper there was no question before the House having any reference to the subject thereof, and that what has been done cannot have been done with a view to influence a decision of the House, your Committee recommend that no further action should be taken in the matter. And the question being put, a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, i. —Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Hislop, Mr. Samuel, Mr, Seymour. Noes, 3.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Mr. W. D. Stewart, Mr. Walker. The motion was therefore carried. Moved by Mr. Samuel, That the following be clause 10 of the report:— 10. At the same time, your Committee recognise that under other circumstances some of the questions cognate to this reference might become of vital importance, and your Committee therefore recommend that the action taken on this occasion be not drawn into a precedent. Amendment moved by the Hon. Mr. Ballauco, That in clause 10, as proposed by Mr. Samuel, the following words be omitted : " recognise that under other circumstances some of the questions cognate to this reference might become of vital importance, and your Committee therefore." And the question being put, That the words proposed to be omitted stand part of the question, a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow :— Ayes, 3.—Hon. Sir J. Hall, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Seymour. Noes, 4.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Hislop, Mr. W. D. Stewart, Mr. Walker. The words were therefore omitted. Moved by the Hon. Mr. Ballance, That proposed clause 10, as amended, be adopted. And the question being put, a division was called for, and the names were taken down as follow:— Ayes, 3.—Hon. Mr. Ballance, Mr. W. D. Stewart, Mr. Walker. Noes, i. —Hon. Sir J. Hall, Hon. Mr. Hislop, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Seymour. The clause, as amended, was therefore negatived. Resolved, That clauses 1 to 9 inclusive, as adopted, be presented to the House as the report of the Committee. The Committee then adjourned.

Friday, 3ed August, 1888. The Committee met at 12 noon, pursuant to notice. Present: Hon. the Speaker (Chairman), Hon. Mr. Ballance, Hon. Mr. Hislop, Mr. Samuel, Mr. Seymour, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Walker. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Chairman stated to the Committee that the business before it was the reconsideration of the first paragraph of the report, which did not quote fully the terms of the appointment of the Committee. Resolved, That the preamble of the report should be a quotation from the order of reference appointing the Committee, and be shown to be a quotation by being contained within inverted commas. Resolved, That Mr. Walker be requested to present the report, as amended, to the House. The Committee then adjourned.