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Brought up on 2nd August, 1888, and ordered to be printed.

ORDERS OP REFERENCE. Extracts from the Journals of the House of Representatives. Fbiday, the 13th day of July, 1888. Ordered, " That a Select Committee be appointed, to whom shall be referred tho Gisborne Harbour Bill. The Committee to consist of Mr. Allen, Mr. Fish, Mr. Ross, Mr. Tanner, Mr. R. Thompson, Mr. Whyte, and the Mover. Three to be a quorum; to report within ten days. To have power to call for persons and papers."—(Hon. Mr. Fisheb.) Friday, 20th day of July, 1888. Ordered, " That an extension of time for ten days be granted to the Gisborne Harbour Bill Committee in which to bring up their report." —(Mr. Allen.)

BEPOET. The Select Committee to whom was referred the Gisborne Harbour Bill, having taken evidence relating to the Gisborne Harbour works and to the position of the Board, have the honour to report as follows : — 1. That the Committee are of opinion that the works already carried out are practically useless. 2. That the evidence taken goes to show that if the breakwater be carried out to a length of 1,160ft. the smaller steamers and vessels frequenting the Port of Gisborne could use the wharf in ordinary weather, which will be of some service to the district. 3. That to carry the breakwater out to 1,160ft. will cost about an additional £40,000. 4. That the present income only just meets the present expenditure of the Board. 5. That the expenditure of the said sum of £40,000 involves an increased charge on the district, to be met either by increased wharf charges and port dues, or an increase in the present rate, or both, amounting to about £2,000 per annum. Your Committee therefore recommend that, subject to the following conditions, the work be allowed to proceed:— (1.) That previous to the proposed work being entered upon by the Gisborne Harbour Board a poll of the ratepayers, as hereinafter described, be taken, as to whether such works shall be proceeded with or not. (2.) That the works shall not proceed unless a majority of the ratepayers actually on the roll, both as to number and value, shall poll in the affirmative. (3.) That the words, " a poll of the ratepayers," mentioned in Condition 1, shall mean all those having rateable property in the Borough of Gisborne and within a radius of ten miles thereof. (4.) That, inasmuch as the proposed work may be of little value to a large number of the ratepayers in Cook County, all those residing outside the aforementioned radius of ten miles shall not be liable for the payment of any greater rate than they at present pay— namely, |d. in the pound. (5.) That the unexpended balance of the original loan, after deducting the said sum of £40,000 for the proposed work, shall be vested in an independent Board of Trustees, to be appointed by the Government; such Board to have power to invest the said money in freehold securities to an amount not exceeding one-half of the ascertained value of such securities. (6.) That, as this matter is one of urgency to the inhabitants of Gisborne and the surrounding district, this Committee recommend that the Government introduce a Bill this session embodying and giving effect to the above recommendations. H. S. Fish, 2nd August, 1888. Chairman. I—l. 6.