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No. 459.—Petition of Martin Krippner, of Warkworth, Auckland. The petitioner prays for consideration for his services in establishing the German special settlements at Puhoi and elsewhere. I am directed to adopt the report on this claim brought up by the Public Petitions Committee A to L, on the 30th November, 1887, namely, " That, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner has no claim against the colony." 21st August, 1888.

No. 464. —Petition of Elizabeth Grant and other Women, of Dunedin. The petitioners pray for extension of the parliamentary franchise to women. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 21st August, 1888.

No. 470.—Petition of T. B. Hannafoud, of Auckland. The petitioner calls the attention of the Government to his invention of a beacon. I am directed to recommend this petition to the favourable consideration of the Government. 21st August, 1888.

No. 431.—Petition of E. Cocheane, of Eeefton. The petitioner states that ho was the contractor for the construction of the Waitahu Bridge and approaches, and that in consequence of delays on the part of the Public Works Department he lost on the contract to the amount of £450. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioner should be granted the sum of £150. 28th August, 1888.

No, 433.—Petition of Jonathan Bbown and Others, of Tauranga. The petitioners pray for remission of the stamp duty paid by them as shareholders in the Tauranga and Hot Lakes Bailway Company. I am directed to report that the Committee is unable to recommend the prayer of tho petition. 28th August, 1888.

No. 443.—Petition of Kkney Bauoke, of Wellington (No. 2). The petitioner censures the action of the Government in allowing His Excellency the Governor to be absent from the colony at a crisis in the petitioner's affairs, and presses for settlement of his old claim. I am directed to report that this Committee, having on two previous occasions inquired carefully into the petitioner's case and reported thereon, declines to make any further recommendation. 28th August, 1888.

No. 456.—Petition of C. Hansen and Others, ofjKaiapoi. The petitioners represent that the Town of Kaiapoi is subject to damage from floods in the Waimakariri, and that the railway embankment aggravates this evil. They pray that openings may be made in the embankment to allow flood-waters to escape. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1888.

No. 467. —Petition of T. J. Billing, of Opunake. The petitioner prays for additional compensation for discharge from the Permanent Militia. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petition. 28th August, 1888.

No. 475. —Petition of John Lundon, of Onehunga (No. 1). The petitioner prays for remuneration for his services in organizing village settlements, and for refund of expenses incurred. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, tho petitioner is entitled to the amount of his claim—viz., £250 12s. 6d., less all such sums as lie may have received on account of his personal expenses. 28th August, 1888.

No. 476. —Petition of Geokge Dabinett and Others, of Glutha. The petitioners pray that the Glenoamara section of the Catlin's Eiver Railway should be completed as soon as possible. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition referred to the Government for consideration. 28th August, 1888.