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No. 87.—Petition of John Hogan and other Miners, of Lake County. The petitioners complain that their names have improperly been struck off the electoral roll of their county, and pray for restoration of electoral rights. I am directed to report that, inasmuch as a remedy for the grievance of the petitioners appears to be provided under section 68 of "The Counties Act, 1886," the Committee has no recommendation to make. 6th June, 1888.

No. 93.—Petition of Alexandee McCausland Hamilton, of Campbelltown. The petitioner states that he has lost one of his legs in the service of the Eailway Department, and has received £50 as compensation. He prays for further consideration. I am directed to report that this Committee, having fully considered this petition, and reported upon it on the 16th November, 1887, has no further recommendation to make. 6th June, 1888.

No. 95.—Petition of John Flett, of the Thames. The petitioner states that the course of the Waikiekie Stream, which used to run through his property, has been diverted for the purpose of supplying the Borough of Thames with water ; and that his own supply of water has been cut off by the Borough Council, which maintains that " The Thames Water-supply Transfer Act, 1880," vests in the Borough of Thames all previously-existing rights. He prays for restoration of his old rights. I am directed to recommend the Government to inquire into the allegations made in the petition, and, if these be found to be correct, the Committee is of opinion that a law should be passed to restore to the petitioner those rights of which, by previous legislation, he seems to have been deprived. 6th June, 1888.

Nos. 25 and 83. — Petitions of Alfred Buckley, of Invercargill, and William Heney James, of Wanganui. The petitioners represent that in 1862, at the instance of the Provincial Government of Canterbury, they were transferred from the Police Force of Victoria to that of Canterbury, on the understanding that their prospect of pensions should not be prejudiced by the change. That on the abolition of provinces they remained in the New Zealand Police Force until they were dismissed the service in March, 1888. They pray for pensions or other consideration. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the allowance already granted to the petitioners is of the most liberal character, seeing that no provision appears to have been made by Act for retiring allowance to officers of police ; nor is there any evidence to show that any promise, either of pensions or of retiring allowance, was made to the petitioners on their appointment to the Police Force of Canterbury. 7th June, 1888,

No. 92.—Petition of Joseph Caeley, of Te Awamutu. The petitioner prays for compensation for dismissal from his post of Cavalry Instructor. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on the subject of this petition. Bth June, 1888.

No. 119.—Petition of John Boeeie and Others, of Te Aroha West. The petitioners are settlers on deferred-payment land, which, as they allege, was represented to them as good, but turns out to be exceedingly poor. They pray for a revaluation of it. I am directed to recommend this petition to the favourable consideration of the Government, Bth June, 1888.

No. 130.—Petition of E. M. Houston, Chairman of Mongonui County Council, and Others. The petitioners pray that County Councils may be empowered to exact license fees from gumdiggers. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth June, 1888.

No. 138. —Petition of Alexander Bkuce, Chairman of Waitemata County Council. The petitioner prays for such amendment of the Public Works Act as may simplify the acquisition or exchange of land for public roads. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, it is desirable that the exchange of land for roads, as between local bodies and private owners, should, if possible, be simplified, and the cost thereof reduced. Bth June, 1888.

No. 141.—Petition of John Lloyd and Others, of Nightcaps. The petitioners pray for the erection of a goods-shed at Nightcaps railway-station. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. Bth June, 1888.