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Presented to the House of Representatives, and ordered to be printed.

No. 487, Sess. 11., 1887. —Petition of Hotezzi yon Blabambebg, of Matarawa, Wanganui. The petitioner alleges that from 1870 to 1878 he kept a private school at Te Aro, which did not pay; that he insured his life in the Government Office, but let the policy lapse; that he subsequently took service under the Education Department. He appears, however, to have had painful misunderstandings with his Committee and with his creditors, and attributes all his woes to the operation of the Education Act. He prays for inquiry and reparation. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make on the subject of this petition. 23rd May, 1888.

No. 12.—Petition of Eichard and James Given, of the Pollok. The petitioners allege that, in the face of conclusive evidence in their favour, a boundary dispute has been decided against them, whereby they have lost four acres of land, besides £316 12s. 2d. for expenses. They pray for relief. I am directed to adopt the report brought up by this Committee on the 30th November, 1887 —namely, that, in the opinion of the Committee, the petitioners are not entitled to any compensation. 23rd May, 1888.

No. 13. —Petition of Peter S. Brown, Chairman of the County Council, Whangarei. The petitioner prays that powers may be granted to County Councils in the northern districts to deal with gum lands and gum-diggers. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 23rd May, 1888.

No. 15. —Petition of Alexander P. Campbell, of Cove, Waipu. The petitioner states that, after taking a road and bridge contract at Dacre's Claim, County of Eodney, he was fined £40 by the Land Board for cutting the timber on Crown land. Moreover, that part of the timber was washed away by high tides, so that he lost instead of gaining by his contract. He prays for remission of the fine, and for other relief. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of this Committee, the petitioner has no claim whatever to any consideration. 23rd May, 1888.

No. 16.—Petition of George Buegham, of Nelson, and 79 Others. The petitioners state that they are labouring-men in great distress for want of employment. They pray that employment may be found for them. I am directed to report that, since the prayer of this petition has already been granted, this Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd May, 1888.

No. 19.—Petition of L. G. W. Godden, of Taheke, Hokianga. The petitioner complains that he is without means of access to his allotment of land, and prays that a road may be formed without delay. I am directed to recommend the prayer of this petition to the favourable consideration of the Government. 23rd May, 1888. 2—l. 1.