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Civil Servants and Persons in Government Employ who have been dismissed, &c.— continued.

2— H. 30.

Name. Saving per Annum. Provincial District. Pension or Compensation. Salary ol Person replacing. WORKING R, ULWAYS—coj ntmued. MAINTE* fANCE— continue a. HUBUNUI--Blufp Sectio IN. P. Pegnafcz W. Palmer Et. Stephenson 3. Travella (V. Beale }. Whiting W. Townend r. Liflarty 3. Butcher R. Blazey r. Froggarty i. McPherson H. Jones J. Coombridge F. Brock r. Kellow R. Eouse R. Reich j. Buchanan (V. Alexander J. McKay D. Clark r. Menzies W. Halhburton .. W. Logan 3. H. Gopely E 1. Elivines W. Barr H. McKay I. Puss i. Buchanan H. Otten M. Clark r. Puss J. Coard H. Boss W\ Kennedy T. Sullivan W. Scandling r. Guhin J. Titheridge W. Ply W. M. Ply J. Arbuckles W. Kent r. Hawke J. Julian J. Hill k. Fleming r. Richards I. Hawson R. Prasor L. Head r. Smith F. Vincent Reduced Discharged Reduced Discharged Reduced Discharged Reduced Discharged. Reduced Discharged Reduced Discharged £ s. a. 15 13 0 15 13 0 7 16 G 7 16 G 23 9 G 101 14 6 7 16 6 7 16 G 7 16 G 7 16 G 7 1G G j 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 7 16 G 140 17 0 140 17 0 125 4 0 140 17 0 7 16 6 7 16 6 7 1G 6 7 1G 6 7 16 6 7 16 6 7 16 6 7 16 6 54 15 6 54 15 6 101 14 6 7 16 6 109 11 0 109 11 0 125 4 0 125 4 0 109 11 0 109 11 0 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 140 17 0 101 14 6 101 14 G 101 14 6 23 9 G 7 16 6 Canterbury " £ s. d. £ s. a. 39 2 G 39 2 G 140 17 0 Total, Canterbury [). Cruickshank .. W. Justice VI. O'Shea 1. Gribbon r. Walsh 3. Duncan VI. Green D. Minn H. Price R. Green 3. McCarthy S. Flick.. iY. Wilson R. Mills \. Anderson 3-. Morgan S". McLean I". Tonnar r. Reid VI. Ray F. Grainger Discharged 3,638 12 6 101 14 6 140 17 0 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 G 101 14 G 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 6 101 14 G 101 14 6 Otago .. Carried forward .. 2.175 7 0