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Return of Accidents to Boilers during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1888.

In the case of the vertical boiler the tubes had become so hot that the brass circulating-tubes inside of them were completely melted. The two Cornish boilers had been idle for some time, and were only partially filled when the attendant lit the fires. He had no idea that he could injure the boilers by getting a little steam even if the water was low. Repairs have been effected in each case, and the boilers put to work at a reduced pressure.

The Inspector of Machinery, Canterbury District, to the Assistant-Secretary, Marine Department. Sir,— Christchurch, 30th April, 1888. I have the honour to forward annual report of boilers and machinery inspected by me during the financial year ending the 31st March, 1888, together with the usual returns; and, should any further information be required, I shall be happy to supply it. I have not been able to quite get over my district during the year, as more than usual of my time has been taken up with steamers, and an accident I unfortunately met with prevented my leaving town lately. I wish to draw your attention to the largely-increasing number of traction-engines in my district. I very much fear that, unless some measures are introduced to prevent these engines being worked by incompetent men, the consequences may bo serious, as the working pressure is nearly as high as that used in the locomotive-engine, and the men in whose hands they are intrusted are often of a very inferior class of engine-drivers. Of the five accidents I have to report for the year four happened in flax-mills. This industry is naturally a dangerous occupation, as the speeds of the various machines are high; the material is so long and strong in the fibre that any workman, once getting entangled, is immediately beyoud help. The class of labour employed is chiefly boys and young men ; and, in some surprise visits I have paid to these mills, I have witnessed the greatest recklessness and contempt for danger. I always do all I can to reduce the chance of danger to a minimum; but it is quite impossible for an Inspector to wholly prevent accident, unless those employed with machinery do all they can also to guard against accident. Through the general depression in trade there are a few boilers not being used at present; but should trade revive they will again be required. I have, &c, The Assistant-Secretary, Marine Department, Wellington. George Croll.

Return of Machinery inspscted in the Nelson District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1888.

Return showing the Number of Land Boilers inspected in the Canterbury and Nelson South Districts during the Financial Year ending the 31st March, 1888.

The boilers in Nelson are used in the south-east part of the provincial district, and are therefore easier reached from Christchurch.

Date. District. Description of Boiler. Nature of Accident. Cause of Accident. 1887 Wellington ... Vertical, Field's patent Cornish Cornish Tube ends burnt, and tube-plate cracked Collapse of the flue ... Collapse of the flue ... Shortness of water. 1888 1888 Taranaki Taranaki Shortness of water. Shortness of water.

Description of Machinery. No. Remarks. toiling-down !haff-cutting 'lour-mill janding-service 'hreshing 1 2 1 1 1 All steam. These are included in the returns for Canterbury.

Portable. Stationary. Name of District. Under 5 to 10 5 h.p. h.p. Total. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. Over 10 h.p. lanterbury ... felson South 19 140 1 3 1 100 3 I I 25 1 61 348 6 Totals 141 103 I 26 19 61 354