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Imported Fish. —No further importations of salmon ova have been made: the charges under that head shown in the accounts refer to the shipments made in the previous financial year. No reports on the progress of the young salmon, &c, hatched by the acclimatisation societies have been received, but it is understood that they are progressing favourably. It w rould be desirable that the societies should furnish such reports, and also reports on the progress of pisciculture. Seal Fisheries. —The close season is yet in force. The question of the seal-fisheries still requires consideration, and no effort should be spared to prevent their destruction by the indiscriminate slaughter such as took place for many years. In consequence of the disclosures made at the time the "Awarua" rescued the crew of the " Derry Castle," proceedings were taken against the master and mate of that vessel for sealing in the close season, the result being that the master was fined £100, or six months' imprisonment, and the mate £20, or two months' imprisonment. The fines w 7ere not paid, so they were committed to prison in default. The Fisheries Act Amendment Act passed last session provides heavy penalties for killing seals in close season, and also provides that vessels engaged in the illegal capture of seals may be seized and forfeited to the Crown. Harbour Improvement Plans. —Again only one Harbour Board—Timaru—has forwarded a plan for publication this year. It would appear hardly w7orth while to continue the annual publication of tire plan of this port. Beturns.— The report by the Marine Engineer on works carried out, reports by Inspector of Machinery, the usual annual returns, and wreck chart will be found appended hereto. I have, &c, Lewis H. B. Wilson, Assistant-Secretary. The Hon. the Minister having charge o Marine Department.

ANNUAL EEPOET ON LIGHTHOUSE WOKKS, ETC., BY THE MARINE ENGINEER. The Marine Enginhek to the Secbetaky, Makine Department. Sib, — Marine Department, 31st March, 1888. I have the honour to report that no works of any magnitude or importance have been carried out during the year. Drawings and specifications have been prepared for a cast-iron tower for the light proposed to bo placed on Cuvier Island, and it is intended shortly to call for tenders for its construction. On the acceptance of a tender for the tower steps will be taken to commence work on the island, in preparing sites for the tower and dwellings, &c, making roads, and in erecting houses and stores, &c. It is expected that this work may be begun about the end of July. I have, &c.', John Blackett, The Secretary, Marine Department. Marine Engineer,