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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

11—H. 13.


OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Si 31st I beep on May. 1887. iffie. I Baird, Robert, Isla Bank Barry, C. B., Oropuki Barwell, Samuel, Otautau Baskin, James. Heddon Bush Basstian, C, Dunrobin, & Woodstock, Invercargill Basstian, W. D., Mossburn Bath, Richard, Gummie's Bush Beal, William, Heddon Bush Beck, Joseph, AVairio Beer, George, Mossburn Blackstock, William, Riverton Blackwood, Thomas, Kinloch, Otautau Boyle, John, Oreti Flat, Heddon Bush British and N.Z. Alortgago Co., Gladfield ... British and N.Z. Mortgage Co., Alarora Lake, LumBden Brown, William, Thornbury Browning, Allen, Mossburn Brownridge, James, Fairfax Buckingham, T. A., Isla Bank Butterworth, J. L., Alossbum Dalder, George, Gummie's Bush Dalder, William, Heddon Bush Cameron, Alexander, Mossburn Campbell, R., jun., Alararoa Downs and Burwood, Lumsden Carmichael, Allan, Strathmore, Otautau Carnie, Charles, Otautau Chartres, William, Mossburn Christie, A. and J., Di»,.ton Christie, John, Waimatuku Clark, Thomas, Heddon Bush Cody, L. and P., Heddon Bush Collie, Allan, F'airfax Collie, Donald, Fairfax Soombes, Alfred, Heddon Bush Craig, Arch., AVairio Drengle, John, Otautau Crouch, E. T., Otautau Sullen, P. S., Otautau Cummin g, George, Fairfax Supples, R., Otautau Cuthbertson, J. (exors.of), Otahu, Invercargill Daley, Patrick, South Hillend Davanney, Alichael, Annandalo Davis, E. and AV., AVairio Deacon, John, Thornbury Dodd, Robert, AVoodland, Myross Bush Drabble, P., Ermdale, Groper's Bush Duggan, John, Wairio Edridge, A. E., Yellow Bluff, Otautau Ellis, J. O, Ellerslie, Wairaki Fallow, James, Thornbury Filzgerald, Patrick, Orepuki Fleck, John, Riverton Fletcher, G. A\~., Lumsden Fletcher, Peter, Thornbury Ford, J. B., Heddon Bush Ford, John, Groper's Bush Forrest, A. S., Gummies Bush Foster, Robert, Thornbury Fraser and AlcLean, Mossburn Fraser, Duncan, AVaimatuku Fraser, AVilliam, Waimatuku 3-arden, Brothers, Dalmore ... Gardner, J., Birehwood, AVairio Gerrard, Alexander (Executors of), Otautau olibbs, Jesse, Oreti Flat, Heddon Bush Grant, James, Etal Creek, Nightcaps Grant, J., Woodburn, AVairaki Gray, W. and K., AVaimatuku Griffin, John, AYrey's Bush Hailes, AV. AL, AVairio Hall, Andrew, Thornbury Halloran, R., AVrey's Bush Hamilton, J. W., Flint's, Thornbury Hannah, Andrew, Aparima, Alakarewa Hardwiek. John, Otautau Hare, A. R., Blackmount Harrison, Enoch, Dipton Hawkins, W., Otautau, Haywood Bros, and Linseott, Thornbury ... Uazlett, Robert, Thornbury 500 422 325 17600 500 200 590 231 18000 302 200 37 400 810 200 95° 60 250 200 96 500 650 250 156S IOO 11300 4089 II500 3886 200 200 294 Nil 88 1850 7 180 Nil 35155 293 116 2000 48 480 260 3°45° 700 534 92 3M 882 95 179 95 700 1100 93 48 300 3325 70 45° 200 Nil 573 89 200 ■83 93° 115 Nil 4812 400 300 5322 94 5° 3100 34SO 40 ■50 96 50 3500 Nil 163 Nil 2500 80 Nil 900 8111 100 40 110 400 650 480 387 iS° 30 1150 400 580 30 12200 95 180 198 300 485 495 45° '94 12 1060 200 490 190 13000 3000 1400 90 'SO 400 3500 1400 186 202 250 70 1120 580 170 12160 150 220 200 80 1560 300 '5° 11920 200 140 280 200 120 220

No. of S! 81st 1 188G. I loop on [ay. 1887. Telder and Awdry, Redcliff, Blackmount ... Tonderson, James, Otautau Till, E. B., Alossburn Hirst, Henry, Orepuki Todgson, William, Thornbury Tolloway, Benjamin, Fairfax Tolmes, Hon. AL, Castle Rock, Lumsden ... Tolmes, Hon. M., Manipori, Mararoa Toperoft, AVilliam, Gummies Bush listone, Matthew, Rivereloigh, Invercargill fames, Richard, Otautau lohnston, Airs. Elizabeth, Nightcaps rohnston, Airs. Isabella, Nightcaps rohnston, Airs. Margaret, Nightcaps rohnston, AVilliam, Groper's Bush rohnston, William, jun., Nightcaps rones, Allan, Groper's Bush rukes, AL D'A., Aparima, Otautau Ceen, Phillip, Wild Bush, Riverton Cennedy, Tliomas, Heddon BubIi ■Cennedy, T. AV., Otautau Cirkpatrick, James, AVairio Sirkpatriek, Thomas, AVairio Land and Loan Company of New Zealand, Centre Hill, Mossburn Jangford, AVilliam, South Hillend Lindsay, John, Isla Bank Lindsay, John, Slrathmore, Otautau Lyon, David, Isla Bank ilackay, Hector, Wairaki HacKenzie, Laehlan, Otautau Mackintosh, Airs. R., Wairio Hacnamara, AL, Eastern Bush Halonc, Alichael, Lumsden Hanson, Donald, Nightcaps Harris, William, Fairview, Thornbury Hartin, T., Duncraigen, Alararoa HeCall, John, AVairaki HcCallum, Robert, Thornbury HeDeritt, Cornelius, Alossburn HcDonald.Dugald, Wild Bush,Riverton ... HcDougall, Charles, Fairfax HcGarrie, W., Otautau HcHardy, Alexander, Isla Bank Hclntyre, J., Rothimurchis, Thornbury Hclvor, D., Otautau Hclvor, Kenneth, Centre Hll, Alossburn HcKenzie Bros., Forebank, Isla Bank HcKenzie, William, Isla Bank HcKinnon, R., Alt. Linton, Nightcaps HcLaien, N. C., Otahu, Otautau He Lean, J. B., Thornbury HeLeod, D., and Co., Winton HcN Tcill, Peter, Thornbury Heek, Robert, Fairfax Holland and Co., Cheviot, Alararoa Helland & Co., Te Anau, Alararoa Hichell, John, Roschill, Wairaki Hillar, Robert, Groper's Bush Hiller, Alexander, Thornbury Hiller, Archibald, Annandalc HofFat, Henry, Otautau Hollison, William, Isla Bank Horrhon, AVilliam, Drummond Houat, O, Thornbury tf.M. & Agency Company of N.Z. (Limited), Bayswater (Invercargill) U.M. & Agency Company of N.Z. (Limited), Te Anau & Lynwood, Mararoa SLM. & Agency Company of N.Z. (Limited), Wairaki Newton, J. J., Wreysbush SLZ. L. & M. A. Co., Sunnyside, AVairaki ... !C.Z. Alortgage and Investment Association, Waicola, Wairio H. (Executors of),Black water, Riverton 3'Brien, Daniel, Heddon Bush Dfficer, George, Annandale Dfficcr, John, and Sons, Thornbury Jfficer, R. and A., Fairfax Dfficer, AVilliam, Groper's Bush Paterson, John, Drummond Philpott, G. and AV., AYaimaluku 60CO 280 257 420 800 135 30000 85OO 120 700 380 300 252 142 230 600 310 38o 160 120 700 750 100 152 152 6 200 100 540 130 186 300 70 7000 80 250 420 Nil '5° 33000 10368 185 1800 390 200 210 225 25 55° - 89 Nil 55 Nil 400 200 127 7500 70 500 700 '55 190 ,78 Nil 200 200 25 650 700 180 95 Nil 297 80 92 251 2510 163 Nil 300 350 16510 6500 124 204 400 1152 3000 9000 95 600 259 200 400 350 284 75 9748 216 1150 9453 300 300 14388 98 200 2745 3200 10000 89 600 262 55 300 290 15000 IS498 12040 13404 4251 7280 230 3998 6100 1700 1756 32 Nil 247 50 37 187 150 200 Nil 305 180