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OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.

OTAGO DISTRICT— continued.


No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1886. 1887. Humble, Thomas, Otaraia, Invercargill Vernon, E. S., Erne Hill, Fortrose Waddell, John, Alataura Waddcll, William, Gore Walker Brothers, Otama Walker, J., AVyndham View, Wyndham Ward, A. R., Tuturau, Alataura Watson, Joseph, Riversdale Watt, Andrew, Otama Weathcrburn, AVilliam, Kaiwera White, James, Wendon, Riversdale Whitefield, Gavin, Pukerau ... Williamson, Alexander, Chatton Williamson, G. AL, Alataura Williamson, James, Mataura... Wilson, John, Chatton Wood Brothers, Brookside, Waikaia Woods, George, Chatton Wright, James, Tuturau, Mataura Voung, Hugh, Pukerau Voung, William, Bunvside, Alataura 3000 2297 ■512 300 500 i68 1170 683 100 500 400 98 Nil 1442 1500 200 ,67 IOO 642 595 Nil 200 450 500 ■75 1200 2000 160 410 320 2500 170 462 95° 78 75 Nil 83 395 (In Southland Subdivision.) Adamson, James, Alabel, Grove Bush Allan, John, Ryal Bush Allen, James, Benmore Allison, Robert, Alataura Anderson, David, Hokonui Anderson, —, Alonte Chris to, AVaimatuku ... BairJ, AVilliam, Forest Hill, Lochiel Baldy, Alfred, Ityal Bush Bcaren, A., New River, AVaianiwa Bell, G. AL, Wan I wood & Croydon, Mandeville Blakie, Andrew, AVaianiwa Blakie, James, sen., Ryal Bush Blakie, Peter, Ryal Bush Booth Brothers, Goro Bowmar, C. R., Goro Boyd, F. R., Erroldale, Waimatuku B:>yd, AV., AVaimatuku Brass, James, AVallacetown British and N.Z. Alorigage Company, West Dome, Alossbura British and N Z. Atortgago Co., Vernham and New River (Invercargill) Brockie, William, Benmore Brook, John, Wright's Bush Brown, Andrew, Oteramika Brown, George, AVaikiwi Brown, G. S., Wallacetown Brown, T. T., Forest Hill, Winton Bunn, Ernest, Hampton, Longridgo Burgoyne, James, Myross Bush Butler, William, Hokonui Buxton, Thomas, Alakarewa, Invercargill ... Calvert, F., G., Roslyn Bush Calvert, Francis, Roslyn Bush Cameron, Alexander, Ryal Bush Cameron, Archibald, F'orest Hill, Lochiel ... Cameron, Donald, Hedgehope Campbell, Murdoch, Gore Carmichael, A. and A., Wallacetown Carpenter, James, Edcndale Cassels, John, AAlnton Clark, Joshua, New River, Invercargill 3ochran Brothers, Lochiel Cockburn, John, Spar Bush, Waianiwa Qollina, J. F., Invercargill Jolyer, Jessie, Airs., Awarua, Invercargill ... Ooomer, R. J., Alataura Oorbitt, Edward, F'orest Hill, Winton Foster Brothers, New River, Winton Jouplaud, Robert, Kenningtou Coutts, Louis, Gore Ckjwan, Cuthbert, Benmore Jowie, Andrew, Winton 3owie, John, Winton 3owie, William, Longridge 3raig, Andrew, Dipton Jrosbie, George, Lochiel Junningham Brothers, Limehills, Davidson, A. and J., AVaimumu, Gore 312790 305898 70 7o .64 5°o 2045 200 160 80 ■65 162 372 637 34858 430 600 200 390 161 500 1745 198 320 800 3792' 500 1050 300 44' 107 1124 800 700 Nil 920 800 600 6723 1850 Nil 500 300 80 43 190 110 192 152 37o 400 75 100 IOO 95 1027 96 M8o 696 70 IOO 590 66 110 12 380 15 Nil 180 480 90 8000 360 960 100 '35 300 493 300 370 23.60 898 490 160 165 520 1400 128 IOO 500 140 100 200 8000 198 1115 152 160 387 592 300 200 2559 990 500 360 ■S3 680 Nil 230

No. of S 31st: hoop on iiay. 1886. I 186,7. Deegan, James, Winton Diack, Francis, Benmore Dickson, Robert, Gore Dodd, John, & Sons, Otapiri Gorge, Hokonui Dodd, Robert, Woodend, Myross Bush Donald, James, Lochiel Drysdale, Adam, Keniiington Duncan, Henry, Benmore Dundas, J. P., Oleramika Dunlop, James, Forest LTill, Lochiel Dyke, Thomas, Keniiington Ellis, T. C. & C. O, Five Rivers, Invercargill Erskine, James, Invercargill Evans, John, AYinton Evans, William, Winton Fairweather, Charles, Invercargill Falconer, John, Gore Ferguson, J. A., Alyross BubIi Finlayson, Archibald, Dipton Flnlayson, Kenneth, Invercargill Fleming, Thos., Rakahouka, Roslyn Bush ... Forbes, Alexander, Lochiel Forbes, John, Woodlands Fosbender, J. H., Invercargill Fowler, John, West Plains Fraser, James, Forest Hill, Lochiel Praser, Lachlan, AVaianiwa Friend, George, Alataura Frisken, Airs. AL K., Myross Bush Gerrard, Alexander (Exors. of), Winton Givin, John, Ryal Bush Gorman, George, Hedgehope Grant, Robert, Longridge Gray, Alexander, Wallacetown Gray, Colin, AVallacetown Gray, John, Alataura Gray, Roderick, AVallacetown Gray, William, Riversdale Green, Sonness, Goro • Grey, Donald, Goro Grieve, James, AVallacetown Grieve, John, AVallacetown Grieve, J. G., AVaianiwa Grieve, Robert, AVaianiwa Grieve, Thomas, Glendhu, Alataura Guscott, James, the Retreat, Alandeville Hall and Alcason, Alataura (Timaru) Halliday, William, Roslyn Bush Hamilton, Alexander, Ryal Bush Hamilton, John, Winton Hamilton, Thomas, F'oreBt Hill, Lochiel Hansen Brothers, Garston Hansen, Charles, Waituna, Campbelltown ... Hardwick, Edwin, AA'est Plains Hartley, John, Winton, Heenan, Alichael, Riversdale Henderson, Airs. Helen, Craighouse, Winton Henderson, John, Myross Bush Henderson, John, AVinton Hesaion, Patrick, Fernhills, Benmore Hishon, AL, Lime-hills Hodgkinson, Bros., Ryal Bush Holloway, AViilliam, Longbush Horton, Robert, Grove Bush, Invercargill ... Humphries, J. E., Alataura Irving, J. O-i Roslyn Bush Irwin, AVilliam, Otapiri, AVinton Jack, Francis, Winton Jenkins, John, Wallacetown Jolly, Thomas, AVest Plains, Kay, A C, Longridge Keir and Anderson, Alataura Kelly, Nicholas, The Grange, Riversdale ... Keown, John, Longridge Kerr, Patrick, Springvale, Winton Kerr, W. L., Bayfield, Oteramika Kidd, Sophia, Winton King, Edward, Woodlands King, F. J., Benmore King, W. IL, Winton Kingdon, N. S., Goro Kingi Topi & others, Ruapuke, Campbelltown Ladbrook, W. C, Mataura Leece and Peacock, Winton 200 180 500 100 300 160 197 100 504 495 27 30500 350 '83 1287 300 450 15° 182 250 1700 380 190 1200 248 290 49' 60 215 180 180 57° 300 184 400 300 1000 18.5 98 70 633 59' 36 38000 390 '95 1500 290 Nil 100 700 1300 550 300 29 400 200 1670 290 150 600 280 300 484 75 262 197 ,67 690 199 700 600 200 700 Nil 5' 565 381 109 132 496 785 315° Nil 800 750 2000 '45 '45 77 50 Nil 244 90 540 490 780 3343 900 300 1500 130 'SO 52 100 232 300 370 94 300 495 170 310 90 400 390 '5° 60 225 397 100 395 80 3" 94 400 280 303 189 225 900 300 300 '55 200 2900 41 225 100 200 440 600 36 343 395 100 420 120 3i 95 800 390 138 465 400 IOO 200 120 200 2600 182 l6o