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event of a larger annual expenditure than £15,000 being agreed to, as provided in Article 16, in which case the excess is to be provided from the revenue. 5. Her Majesty's Imperial Government to contribute a suitable steam-vessel for the service of the territory, at a cost not exceeding £18,500, with the cost of its maintenance during the first three years, estimated at about £3,500 a year. 6. Upon the passing of the above-mentioned special Act, Her Majesty to assume sovereignty over the Protectorate. 7. An Administrator of the Government to be appointed, to whom, with two or more other persons, legislative powers are to be delegated by Letters Patent under the Imperial Acts 6 and 7 Viet., cap. 13, and 23 and 24 Viet., cap. 121. 8. The following sums to be reserved in the Letters Patent by way of Civil List:— £ Administrator ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1,500 Private Secretary ... ... ... ... ... ... 300 Judicial Officer... .. ... ... ... ... ... 1,000 Secretary to Government ... ... ... ... ... 500 9. No purchase of land to be allowed to be made by private persons, except from the Government or purchasers from it. 10. No deportation of natives to be allowed either from one part of the territory to another or to places beyond the territory, except under ordinances reserved for Her Majesty's assent and assented to by Her Majesty. 11. Trading with the natives in arms, ammunition, explosives, and intoxicants to be prohibited, except under ordinances reserved and assented to in like manner. 12. No differential duties to be imposed in favour of any of the guaranteeing colonies, or any other colony or country. 13. The foregoing four articles to be embodied in the Letters Patent as part of the Constitution of the territory. 14. An appeal to lie to the Supreme Court of Queensland, at Brisbane, in all civil cases involving an amount of over £100, and in all criminal cases involving a punishment greater than three months' imprisonment. The necessary legislation for this purpose to be proposed to the Imperial and Queensland Parliaments. 15. An estimate of revenue and expenditure to be submitted by the Administrator to the Governor of Queensland, and approved by him, before the passing of any Appropriation Ordinance. The Governor of Queensland to have power to disallow any item of proposed expenditure. 16. Any appropriation beyond the amount of £15,000 for any one year to be agreed to by each of the three guaranteeing colonies. 17. All accounts of receipts and expenditure to be audited by officers of the Queensland Government. 18. The Administrator, in the exercise of his legislative and administrative functions, to be guided hf the instructions of the Governor of Queensland (subject to Her Majesty's power of disallowance of proposed laws). 19. The Governor of Queensland to be directed to consult his Executive Council upon all matters relating to British New Guinea. 20. The Government of Queensland to consult the Governments of the other contributing colonies in all matters other than those of ordinary administration, and to report to them all action taken. 21. The Administrator to be instructed to furnish to the Governor of Queensland an annual report of the proceedings of the Government (legislative and administrative) ; and copies of such report, together with any observations which the Governor of Queensland may think fit to make thereon, to be forwarded to the Secretary of State, and to each of the contributing colonies. Memoeandum. It is understood that Queensland is to have a first charge upon any surplus revenue of British New Guinea for any amount which the colony may be called upon to pay under the special Act beyond the agreed proportion of one-third.

No. 7. The Peemiee, New Zealand, to the Peemiee, Queensland. Sib,— Premier's Office, Wellington, 28th November, 1887. I have the honour to acknowledge, with thanks, the receipt of your letter of the 12th instant, enclosing copies of "The British New Guinea (Queensland) Act, 1887." I have noticed as requested, the alterations which have been made in the preamble from the draft as agreed to at the Colonial Conference. I have, &c, H. A. Atkinson, The Hon. the Premier, Queensland. Premier. [Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, nil; printing (1,375 copies), £25 78.]

Authority: Geobgb Didsbuby, Government Printer, Wellington.—lBBB.