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Elementary School. —The classes meet as follows : Monday and Thursday, 10 a.m. to 12 noon; fee, £1 per session. Monday and Thursday, 2to 4 p.m. ; fee, £1 per session. The course of study includes—Plane geometry, geometric designs, and the flat colouring of the same ; elementary freehand from flat and diagrams, and the flat colouring of the same ; designs made by combining geometric with freehand forms, and the flat colouring of the same ; elementary perspective as far as the representation of simple geometric solids; model-drawing in outline; outline-drawing from casts, and flowers and foliage from nature; shaded drawings in chalk and sepia from groups of solid models, and from casts of ornament, natural forms, fruit, flowers, &c.; filling spaces with naturalistic or conventional arrangements of plants, and colouring the same. School of Painting. —The classes meet as follows: Morning and afternoon classes—Tuesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; fee, £1 10s. per session : Monday and Thursday, 2to 5 p.m.; fee, £1 10s. per session : Tuesday and Friday, 2to 5 p.m.; fee, £1 10s. per session. Life class, Tuesday and Friday, 10 a.m. to 12noon; fee, £2 10s. per session. Students on entry to this school will have passed the first-grade and the second-grade perspective examinations, or will sit at the examinations next ensuing. The course of study includes : Painting, both in oil and water-colours; from casts of figures and details of figures, ornament, fruit, flowers, &c.; landscapes from copies and from nature ; life drawing and painting. School of Design and Artisan-classes. —The classes meet as follows: Morning and afternoon classes—Tuesday and Friday, 9.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.; fee, £1 10s. per session: Tuesday and Friday, 2to 5 p.m.; fee, £1 10s. per session. Lecture-classes are held in plane geometry, solid geometry, perspective, theoretical perspective, and perspective projection of shadows, &c, on Thursday afternoons. The above fees for painting and design students include these lectures.. Evening classes for model-drawing, geometry plane and solid, perspective, drawing from ornament in outline, and in light and shade from models and casts, and for designing. Monday and Thursday, 7to 9 p.m.; fee, 10s. per session. Tuesday, 7to 9 p.m.; fee, ss. per session. This is a lecture-class for plane and solid geometry, perspective, &c. Architectural Modelling-class. —Wednesday and Friday, Ito 9 p.m.; fee, 10s. This class is for the modelling of architectural mouldings and their proper ornaments, and also ornamental modelling from cast's, and designing of ornament. Life and Antique Class. —Wednesday and Friday, 7to 9 p.m.; fee, 10s. per session. Besides the fee students studying from the life contribute some sum not exceeding 10s. per session towards the expenses of the model. Construction-classes. —Students entering these classes must satisfy the principal of their knowledge of plane and solid geometry, and must pass the first- and second-grade geometry examinations either prior to their entry or at the ensuing examination. Machine-construction. —Wednesday and Friday, 7to 9 p.m.; fee, 10s. The whole of the drawings made in this class are from actual measurements of machines and sections, and are drawn to scale. The student is instructed in the various strains and stresses and works on wheels, teeth, &c, from formula supplied. Permission is now given to students to measure machines in the loco-motive-shops. Building-construction. —Wednesday and Friday, 7to 9 p.m.; fee, 10s. The spring course consists of a series of lectures on brickwork and masonry, foundations and concrete-works. Walls: The various kinds of bond used, stretching-bond, English and Flemish, brick quoins, footings and damp-courses, brick arches, window- and door-openings, reveals, chimney-breasts, shafts, jambs, &c.; ornamental brickwork. Masonry : The various methods of building stone walls, including rubble, coursed rubble, and cut-stone walls and arches ; brick and stone piers and fireproof flooring. The work executed by the students in the building-construction class will be from blackboard-lectures, and the work of the students must be left each night for the instructor's corrections and certificate. Besides the above lectures students of various stages are taken on those points more immediately required by them, and the instruction will include geometric projection of shadows, the rules of architectural perspective, proportions and mouldings of the orders of classic architecture, &c. Solid Geometry Lectures. —Tuesday evening, 7 to 9, and Monday and Wednesday afternoons, 4to 5. Will be given each autumn session, commencing immediately after the Easter recess. Perspective Lectures are given on Tuesday, 7 to 9 p.m., and on Wednesday, 2 to 4 p.m., during each winter session. Fees for solid geometry and perspective for entire course, 10s. day, 7s. 6d. evening classes. Etching-class, for copperplate-etching. Pottery-class, for modelling of forms, designing, colouring, baking, and glazing of pottery. Designing-classes. —Students on entry to this class will have passed their first-grade and elementary-perspective examinations, or will sit at the examination next ensuing. They will have their studies regulated in accordance with their special requirements. Those who propose to carry out original designs, or who are artistic handicraftsmen, will take the second-grade certificate, whilst the mechanical student will take the second-grade geometry. Artisan students will enter the evening classes and pass to the various sections required by them in accordance with the rules specified under such section. The course of study for design-students will include —Plane and solid geometry and perspective; anatomising ornament from the flat and the round; studies of plants and flowers from nature, and designing arrangements of the same to fill given spaces; shaded drawings in sepia and chalk, and monochrome drawings from casts of ornament and figures ; designing in imitation of given examples; designing ornamental arrangements to fill given spaces in monochrome, colour, or relief; designing solids, projecting and drawing ornament upon the same ; life-drawing and anatomy; modelling; machine-construction; building-construction. Students' Sketching-club. —Monthly sketches and designs, competitive, open to the whole of the students of the Schools of Art. My visits to the School of Design and Elementary School were unfortunately during the vaca-