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List of Enrolments, Average Attendances, Percentages, and Fees received for the Second and Third Terms, 1887.

Summary. — Total enrolments (individual students): Second term, 646; third term, 985. Number of females: Second term, 12; third term, 52. Number of juniors (under eighteen, and, apprenticed, under twenty-one) : Second term, 275 ; third term, 414. Fees received : Second term, £162 6s. 2d ; third term, £284 16s. lid. Average fee per student: Second term, 5-03 ; third term, 5-78. Number of classes: Second term, 23 ; third term, 37. Number of instructors: Second term, 13 ; third term, 19. Salaries paid to instructors : Second term, £105 10s. 6d.; third term, £236 os. Bd. Occupations of Students attending the Worhing-men's College, Third Term. —Carpenters and joiners, 181; clerks, 144; fitters, turners, machinists, &c, 94; shop-employes, 91; masons and bricklayers, 53; coach-builders, 49; printers, engravers, and lithographers, 39; plasterers, 27 ; painters, 20; watchmakers, jewellers, and instrument-makers, 17 ; draughtsmen, 16 ; plumbers and gasfitters, 14 ; messengers and letter-carriers, 14 ; labourers, 14 ; stone- and wood-carvers, 14 ; blacksmiths, 10 ; surveyors' assistants, 9 ; bootmakers, 9 ; teachers, 6; sundry trades, 56 ; school, domestic duties, and no occupation, 108 : total, 985. Summary.— Skilled labourers and artisans, 583; clerks, teachers, draughtsmen, 175 ; school, domestic duties, and occupations not given, 109; shop-employes, 91; unskilled labourers, 27 : total, 985. Ages of Students.-- Fourteen to sixteen years, 84 ; sixteen to twenty-one, 493 ; twenty-one to thirty, 279 ; over thirty, 57 ; not stated, 72 : total, 985. The minimum age for admission to the literary classes is fourteen, and to the technical and special classes sixteen. . The following classes will be started providing a sufficient number of students enter : Physiology, domestic economy, music (vocal and instrumental), painting and graining, plumbing, forgework, ironplate-working, sewing- and knitting-machine instruction. Any student attending two classes, or two nights per week in one subject, is allowed a reduction of one-fifth, and any student attending three or more classes, or three or more nights per week in one subject, is allowed a reduction of one-third of total fees. Juniors (those under eighteen years of age), or indentured apprentices under the age of twenty-one, are admitted at half-fees. Classes and Fees per Term. 1, Literary : English grammar and composition (elementary and advanced), writing and correspondence (elementary and advanced), geography, history, French (elementary and advanced),

Seco: rr> Term. Third Tbbm. Subject. Enrolments. Nightly Average Attendance. Percentage Fees Received. Enrolments. Nightly Average Attendance. Percentage. Fees Beceivod. 61 77 32-3 44-2 529 57-4 £ s. a. 9 4 2 54 31-6 58-5 £ s. a. 8 2 0 1. Algebra 2. Arithmetic, elementary ,. Division 1 .. „ Division 2 .. „ advanced 3. Bookkeeping, elementary „ advanced 4. Carriage-drafting 5. Cookery, elementary ,, advanced 6. Drawing, architectural, elementary ,, Division 1 „ Division 2 „ advanced 7. Drawing,mechanical, elementary.. „ „ advanced .. 8. Drawing, freehand 9. Elocution .0. French, elementary „ advanced .1. German .2. Grammar& composition,elementary „ „ advanced .3. Geometry, plane ' „ ' practical .4. Geography .5. Handrailing .6. Latin .. L7. Modelling 18. Mechanics „ applied 19. Mensuration !0. Photography 21. Shorthand, elementary .. „ advanced 22. Trigonometry 23. Writing&correspond'ce, elementary „ „ advanced 24. Carpentry, elementary .. „ advanced 68 33 63 17 46 52 33 15 72 55 65 41 42-7 27-1 44-8 ii-8 308 37-'3 21-8 6-7 37-3 27-3 34-3 26-2 627 82-1 71-1 69*4 669 71-V 66-06 44-6 51-8 49-6 52-7 639 2, r) 3 7 5 3 8 11 i 10 4 *9 G 7 4 8 8 0 6 7 '8 8 71 96 82 24 31 36 18 4 60 37 28 57 17 61 57 44 10 22 83 57 47 64 17 17 31 18 31-3 50-3 42-2 18-3 27-9 22-9 151 36 37-5 22 19-3 33 13 30 36-7 26-5 6-8 15-4 41-9 27-3 28-9 32-7 8-4 14-2 17-9 8-1 44-08 52-3 51-4 76-2 90 63-6 83-8 90 62-5 59-4 68-9 57-8 76-4 49-1 64-3 60-2 68 70 50-4 47-8 61-4 51-09 49-4 83-5 57-7 45 38 18 0 8 12 10 11 2 G 3 "l 9 13 19 8 8 11 2 12 11 11 4 5 3 11 16 4 8 14 8 7 8 7 3 '5 9 18 13 4 9 8 10 6 12 4 18 11 5 8 8 3 10 11 3 2 0 11 8 13 9 4 13 9 5 3 0 28 18-3 66-V 4 '3 3 40 26-6 66-5 8 6 0 38 28 28 65 36 24 66 57 44 22 29-6 17-3 18-6 44 18-4 13 41-3 28-8 24-6 15-8 77-8 61-7 66-4 67-7 51-1 54-1 62-5 50-5 55-9 71-7 11 16 4 4 4 8 13 13 3 25 l6*S 41-2 4 ~3 8 61 11 20 69 398 8-6 10-3 46-7 65-2 78-1 51-5 67-6 11 17 8 3 4 0 11 9 8 20 's 10 4 12 0 15 '7 5 29 20-9 72-06 6 10 10 16 'i 2 Total 981 162 6 2 1,520 284 16 11