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technical about it unless it rests upon principles and is governed by the rules applying to form, proportion, strength of materials, &c.: and it seems to me that this is impossible in primary schools if, as I have already said, the syllabus in use in these schools is to be carried out. If the syllabus can in any way be altered to allow of the introduction of a system of handiness, I would then strongly urge the adoption of the " sloyd system" as being the best possible means of teaching form, proportion, and handiness. From what I have been able to gather this system is the most appropriate for the introduction of handiwork in our schools, and preferable to the ordinary form of carpentering and joinery. Sloyd is applicable to both sexes, and.aims at the following results : viz., to implant respect for work in general, and even for the coarser kinds of honest labour; to develop activity; to foster order, accuracy, cleanliness and neatness; to encourage attention, industry, and perseverance; to develop the physical powers; and to train the eye and the sense of form. Simple models, such as wooden spoons, paper-knife, penholder, ink-well, flower-stand, &c, are placed before the class, the children making copies of the same with the simplest tools. By this means a fair amount of manipulative skill is obtained, and the simplest form of manual instruction introduced." Already a certain amount of practical work has been introduced into the school system by the teaching of drawing, which if practically and thoroughly taught will equip our boys with that part of technics which is the foundation of and the very essence of all the constructive arts from the technical point of view. I would not urge a long course of manual training either in our primary or secondary schools even if time could be found for the same : my desire is to introduce handiness and at the same time relieve the dulness of ordinary school-routine. The introduction of handiwork must be of considerable benefit in after-life, making a child practical, and considerably developing ordinary faculties. When it is realised that a very large percentage of those attending the primary schools leave about the age of twelve years, it must be apparent that to seriously abridge by an extensive course of manual training the all-too-short period available for mental training would be a serious injury instead of a benefit to the rising generation. With regard to the argument sometimes used against the existing system, " that it unfits our boys for manual labour," this cannot be sustained by an examination of existing facts, for it must be patent to any one who wishes to learn the truth that the question is not how to obtain boys for the various trades, &c, but how to find employment for them. The very fitness of our boys is represented by trades-unions complaining of their too liberal employment, and endeavouring to restrict it. With regard to the country schools, my remarks apply equally with those of towns. I may, however, be permitted to suggest that for use in the country schools the Government should have compiled a technical manual dealing in a simple manner with the chemistry and application of manures, the theory and practice of the rotation of crops, lessons on tree-planting, gardening, fruitgrowing, the features and qualities of the land in the various provincial districts, and its appropriate use, with a short account of the various breeds of sheep, cattle, and horses, &c, their value and suitability for different districts. A book of this kind, carefully compiled with special regard to New Zealand particulars and wants, would be of the greatest value and service to our country scholars. If drawing is to be satisfactorily taught, models must of necessity be supplied. I would suggest, therefore, that the Department of Education supply the necessary models at cost-price. The economy in getting a large number manufactured would justify the department in asking the Boards to take their requirements from the department, let alone the advantages to flow from a proper system. The models required would be about eight wire, eight solid, and twelve plaster casts. With regard to examinations, I would urge the Department of Education to adopt the first- and second-grade drawing examinations of the South Kensington Science and Art Department for Public Schools, allowing all private and secondary schools not under Boards or governing bodies to participate in such examinations upon payment of a small fee for each section taken. The introduction of such examinations would give a great impetus to drawing in schools throughout the colony. In the Wellington Education District, at the last June examination, 1,461 papers in drawing were worked; and lam thoroughly satisfied of the great value and importance of this examination to our system of education. In the examination of teachers it is important that a change should be made in the method of the department with regard to the issue of certificates. At the present time, certificates to teachers are issued as having satisfied the department in drawing, and consequently giving a license to teach that subject; but I find in many cases where passes in drawing have been obtained that the teachers are deficient in knowdedge and unfitted to give the necessary instruction. I would urge the adoption of the Science and Art Department second-grade drawing certificate, as defined in "Examinations," page 11, and that the same should be considered separate and distinct from the ordinary classification certificate; or, should the same be combined, that the classification certificate be withheld until certain sections of the drawing be satisfactorily passed. The standard of examination to be that of the second grade instead of the present standard. Head teachers at present in charge of schools to be exempt from such regulations. The pupil-teacher course being a four-years course, I would strongly urge the Department of Education to adopt the following course of study : First year, freehand drawing upon the blackboard and upon paper; second year, plane and solid geometry; third year, elementary perspective, with application to simple models; fourth year, model-drawing. This, lam certain, would prove efficient not only as a means of instruction to the pupil-teachers, but in enabling them to teach more thoroughly. Applicants for the office of pupil-teacher should, in my opinion, hold a full first-grade drawing certificate.

* Articles upon technical training and upon sloyd will be found in the Appendix, so that comparisons may be made by readers of the same.