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During the year the examination for the Gray Eussell Scholarship was held, when it was awarded to James Watt. The value is £40 per annum, tenable at the Otago University for three The statement of receipts and expenditure is now in process of audit, and will be forwarded in the course of a few days. I have, &c, __•_ . D. M. Stuaet, D.D., Chairman. The Hon. the Minister for Education, Wellington.

2. Statement of Eeceipts and Expenditure for the Tear ending 31st December, 1887. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Endowments— By Dr. balance at beginning of year .. 3,594 8 3 Capital account: Price of reserves sold *2,067 7 6 ManagementCurrent income from reserves .. 4,111 13'; 2 Office salary or salaries .. .. 170 0 0 Interest on moneys invested and on Other expenses—Destroying rabbits .. 15 13 4 unpaid purchase-money .. .. 396 6 9 Other expenses of management .. 46 i Paid by School Commissioners .. 142 18 10 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 6,048 2 6 School fees . .. .. . - 2,682 5 4 Boarding-schools account-Boarding-school fees 1,586 14 10 Boys 929 9 4 Dr. balance at end of year .. .. 1,982 7 4 Girls 600 9 7 Legal expenses .. .. .. 106 4 1 Prizes .. .. .. .. 29 11 7 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 163 8 3 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c, including wages of two janitors .. .. 249 11 4 County, city, and water rates .. .. 453 14 8 Site and buildings, from current revenue — Repairs .. .. .. .. 132 8 ] Furnishing .. .. .. 124 1 6 Insurance.. .. .. .. 52 0 6 Interest on current account .. .. 101 8 5 Discount on promissory notes .. 10 17 6 Endowments, sales account— Expenses of survey, reporting, sales, management, &o. .. .. 49 8 6 Expenses recovering run rents .. .. 92 12 9 £12,969 13 9 £12,969 13 9 D. M. Stuaet, D.D., Chairman. C. Macandrew, Secretary. Correct by Treasurer's books and vouchers.—H. Livingston, Auditor. * This sum includes £266 10s. Bd., bill for instalment of purchase-money discounted by Board. The purchaser paid up in full before the bill matured. The £266 10s. Bd. has therefore been twice received, and is a debt due to the discounter when the bill matures. There is also a sum of £267 Bs. 7d. due to the same discounter through a similar transaction last year.—H. L.

3. Geay Eussell Scholaeship Fund. £ s. a. £ s. a. To Amount invested on mortgage .. 750 0 0 By Capital .. .. .. .. 1,000 0 0 Balance in bank .. .. .. 293 17 6 Eeoeipts available for expenditure .. 43 17 6 £1,043 17 6 £1,043 17 6 D. M. Stuaet, D.D., Chairman. Correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor. C. Macandeew, Secretary.

4. Eioiiaedson Cadet Coeps Fund. £ s. a. £ s. d. To Bank of New Zealand shares .. .. 150 0 0 By Capital .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Amount advanced on mortgage .. 50 0 0 Receipts available for expenditure .. 16G 6 9 Balance in bank .. .. .. 11G 6 9 £316 6 9 £316 6 9 D. M. Stuabt, D.D., Chairman. Correct.—H. Livingston, Auditor. C. Macandeew, Secretary.

5. Work of Highest and Lowest Classes, Boys' School. Highest. —Latin: Translation —Horace (Odes, Satires, Epistles); Livy, Book II.; Virgil, iEneid, Book VI.; Cicero, De Ofliciis; unseen passages from various authors ; composition, continuous prose from various sources; Latin prose sentences; Belcher, Part II.; grammar, Allen, Eoby Donaldson, with books of reference in philology and antiquities. Mathematics : Arithmetic, the whole subject; algebra, to end of simultaneous quadratics; Euclid, Books 1., 11., 111., IV., VI., with riders ; trigonometry, to end of solution of triangles ; mechanics and hydrostatics, as set for University scholarship examination. German : Translation, Deutsche Miirchen, Freytag's Friedrich der Grosse ; composition, Macmillan's Exercises, Part 1., continuous prose (chiefly translations of portions of Macaulay's Essays) ; grammar, Macmillan. French : Translation from Manuel dcs Examens (Belcher et Dupuis); grammars, Eve and Baudiss, Brachet, Fasnacht ; composition, Blouet, and Manuel dcs Exainen3; books of reference, Littre, Masson, Brachet. English: King Lear, Shakespeare ; Prologue to Canterbury Tales, Chaucer ; grammar, historical, Morris ; language and literature, Meiklejohn. This class takes gymnastics in school time.