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• Presented to both Houses of the General Assembly by Command of His Excellency.

The Assistant Secretary, Marine Department, to Mr, H. P. Higginson. Sir, — Marine Department, Wellington, 27th March, 1888. The expenditure on the Gisborne Harbour works being (by section 10 of " The Gisborne Harbour Act Amendment Act, 1887") limited to £65,000 until the sanction of the General Assembly has been first obtained to further expenditure, and the Harbour Board, being desirous of having a report on the works with the view of obtaining such sanction, have, in order to give weight to the report as being conducted by an impartial person and not by a nominee of the Board, requested the Government to appoint an Engineer to report on the works, and the capabilities of the district to bear the burden of the cost of their construction. I have therefore been directed by the Minister having charge of this department to request that you will be good enough to proceed to Gisborne at as early a date as possible, there to make a full inquiry into the present condition and prospects of the harbour works, with the view of reporting on —(1) The present and probable future effect of the proposed works ; (2) the amount that will require to be expended before the works will be of service to shipping; (3) the amount it will cost to complete the works ; (4) the amount of revenue that will be raised by the Board, at the present rates, by (a) wharfage and charges on goods, and (b) other port charges on shipping; (5) the annual amount that will require to be levied by means of a rate under " The Gisborne Harbour Board Empowering Act, 1884 " (in addition to the revenue derived from wharfage and port charges, and from the rents and proceeds of the Board's endowments of land), so that the Board will be able to meet all liabilities in connection with interest and sinking fund on the present loan of £200,000, and also provide for the maintenance of works and for working expenses, and, if the present rate authorised by the Act will not be sufficient for these purposes, what rate will have to be imposed ; (6) the capabilities of the district to bear the burden of the present rate, or such a rate as it may be necessary to impose, without placing too heavy a tax on the inhabitants and hindering the progress of settlement; and, generally, on any other matters in connection with the Gisborne Harbour works that you may consider desirable for the information of Parliament. I have, &c, Lewis H. B. Wilson, H. P. Higginson, Esq., M. Inst. C.E., Wellington. Assistant Secretary.

Mr. H. P. Higginson to the Hon. the Minister, Marine Department. See,— Wellington, 3rd May, 1888. In compliance with instructions conveyed to me by letter dated the 27th March, 1888, I have the honour to state that I proceeded to Gisborne upon the 6th April, and upon arrival there put myself in communication with the Harbour Board authorities, with the view of making myself thoroughly acquainted with both the past and present affairs of the Board, and the works now in progress. The Chairman, Secretary, Engineer, and members of the Board afforded me every opportunity of becoming conversant with its position. I was also supplied with full details of the views held by the residents, who were both antagonistic and in favour of the construction of the breakwater in its present authorised site. I—D. 5.