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the said house; that he was compelled, through necessity, to accept this small sum. He prays that he may be reinstated in his former positions or given fair compensation for his house. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 23rd November, 1887.

No. 1, Sess. ll.—Petition of Edward Marsh Williams, of Auckland. (Second Eeport.) This petition was referred back to the Committee by the House on the 15th November, in order that further evidence might be taken. I am directed to report that, after having taken the evidence of the petitioner (who was represented by counsel) and the Under-Secretary of the Native Department, the Committee is of opinion that the petitioner has no claim against the colony. 25th November, 1887.

No. 274, Sess. ll.—Petition of Henry Price, of Dunedin. The petitioner states that he has been in the service of the Eailway Department for the past eight years; that he is a widower with four young children; that unmarried men are being employed by the department, while his services have been dispensed with. He prays that he may be reinstated in his former position. I am directed to report that the Commmittee has no recommendation to make. 25th November, 1887.

No. 277, Sess. ll.—Petition of Stephen Spalding. The petitioner, an inmate of the Auckland Lunatic Asylum, states that in 1886 he was tried on a charge of arson, but was found to be insane, and sent to the Asylum. That his aberration of intellect was caused by his losing his daughter, who was killed by the railway at Penrose Station. He prays for an inquiry under the Lunacy Act, and also that he may be transferred to Mount Eden Gaol. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th November, 1887.

No. 81, Sess. I.—Petition of David Miller, of Auckland. The petitioner states that he supplied groceries to the Government Telegraph Department in 1872 on the order of one of its officers ; that a balance of the account still remains unpaid. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 25th November, 1887.

No. 44, Sess. ll.—Petition of John Tamblyn and Others, of Teviot and Clyde. The petitioners pray that the fruit-growing industry may-be encouraged by a duty being imposed on imported fruit and fruit-pulp. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th November, 1887.

No. 143, Sess. ll.—Petition of Thomas McKenzie and Others, of Havelock. The petitioners pray that " The Havelock Commonage Act, 1877," may be so amended as to make the trustees an elective body. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 28th November, 1887.

No. 197, Sess. ll.—Petition of William Singer, of Kaiwaiwai. The petitioner states that he has been a head-teacher in the public schools of the colony for more than thirty-five years, of which thirty years have been in Government schools; that he is now unable to discharge his duties through failing sight. He prays for a small annuity in consideration of long service and present necessity. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 28th November, 1887.

No. 249, Sess. ll.—Petition of George and William Mathison. The petitioners, contractors, of Dunedin, pray that the sum of £2,292 15s. may be paid to them in connection with certain work performed by them on the Hindon Contract of the Otago Central Eailway, or that an inquiry may be granted before an impartial tribunal in Dunedin. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th November, 1887.

No. 292, Sess. ll.—Petition of W. F. Warner and Others. The petitioners pray that " The Gaming and Lotteries Act, 1881," may be amended in the direction of legalising sweepstakes or consultations under certain conditions. I am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 29th November, 1887.