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Return of Notices given to repair Boilers in the Auckland District— continued.

The Inspector of Machinery, Wellington, to the Seceetaey, Marine Department. Sir, Office of Inspector of Machinery, Wellington, 20th May, 1887. I have the honour to forward for your information my annual report on the boilers and machinery in the Wellington, Marlborough, Nelson North, Taranaki, and Hawke's Bay Districts for the year ended 31st March, 1887. The number of boilers inspected during the above period was 489. Twenty-three new ones have been put to work, 14 of which have been constructed in the colony, and 9 imported; 3 have been laid up as unfit for work, 27 have extended certificates, 20 were still to inspect at the end of the year, and 37 are idle. This gives a total of 573 workable boilers in the district. No accidents have occurred to or with boilers. I regret, however, having to report three accidents which have occurred in connection with machinery, two of them unfortunately of a fatal nature. The first accident occurred to a young man who had his right arm severely injured in the cog-wheels of a carding engine, which he was working with the wheel guard removed. The next, a fatal accident, occurred to an engineer while erecting a new clay-crushing plant. No one observed the accident take place ; but, as he had got some grease for the cogs a few minutes before, it is thought that he was applying it to the wheels while in motion, and some part of his clothing was caught between the cogs, dragging his arm in as far as the shoulder, the shock to the system causing death in a few hours. A second fatal accident occurred from the breaking of a hydraulic-lift chain and the failure of the safety-catch to stop the descent of the cage on which the man was riding at the time. The injury received must have caused instant death. This lift was unknown to me until after the accident, the owners only then giving notice that they had one in their possession. I may state hero that the hydraulic lifts in Wellington are not constructed to carry passengers, and notices cautioning the employes against using them as such are posted on the greater number of them. The workmen, however, regardless of the danger, still persist in riding on them rather than walking up the stair. Mr. Blackwood has inspected 58 boilers in the Marlborough District and 46 in the Wellington District. Mr. Mowatt has inspected 48 boilers in the Wellington District since his appointment in January last. Appended are returns showing the class, horse-power, number of boilers inspected, the fees payable for inspections, the number of written notices given to fence dangerous parts of machinery, the number of notices given to repair boilers, and the number and description of machinery inspected in each district; also return of accidents to life and limb. lam unable to give full information as regards the number of verbal notices given to fence machinery or do small repairs to boilers, all the data having been destroyed in the fire at the Post Office buildings. I have, &c, H. A. McGregor, The Secretary, Marine Department. Inspector of Machinery.

Date of Notice. Description o£ Boiler. iure o: .epairs on Lerei 1886. Nov. 7 ... Nov. 7 ... Nov. 16 ... Nov. 23 ... Nov. 25 ...' Dec. 2 ... Dec. 2 ... Dec. 11 ... Dec. 20 ... Dec. 31 ... 1887. Jan. 3 ... Feb. 4 ... Feb. 8 ... Mar. 4 ... Mar. 12 ... Mar. 16 ... Mar. 18 ... Portable ... Longitudinal tubular Longitudinal tubular Cornish ... Vertical tubular Longitudinal tubular Longitudinal tubular Vertical flue Longitudinal tubular Locomotive Patch fitted to top of fire-box. One stay to be renewed. Two additional stays to be fitted to ends, and two stays in ends renewed. Patch fitted to bottom at blow-off. Patch fitted to vertical flue. Dog-stay fitted to crown of furnace. Crown of furnace repaired, and twenty tubes renewed. Patch fitted to furnace. Three tubes renewed; others caulked. Tubes renewed, and general overhaul. Vertical tubular Vertical flue Longitudinal tubular Portable ... Vertical flue Longitudinal tubular Portable ... One-half of the tubes renewed ; others shortened and refixed. Four stays fitted to crown of furnace and top of boiler. Patch in furnace to be renewed. Lower part of fire-box repaired. Sludge-hole enlarged, and new door fitted. Lower parts of the fire-box repaired. Two stays in fire-box to be renewed.