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The Inspector of Machineey, Auckland, to the Secbetaey, Marine Department. Sic, — Auckland, 13th April, 1887. I have the honour to forward you the annual report on the boilers and machinery inspected in the Auckland District for the year ended the 31st March, 1887. During the above period 335 boiler and 11 machinery inspections have been made, making a total of 346 land inspections. Seventeen new boilers have been brought into use, 10 of which were imported from Great Britain, and 7 manufactured in this colony; 41 have been repaired, 45 have changed owners, and about 130 are laid up at present—for the most part due to the great depression of trade. It is satisfactory that there are no accidents with boilers to report; and also that many owners are realising the fact that it is more economical to keep a boiler in good working order than to allow it to get into a defective state, and have extensive repairs to effect. I regret having accidents with machinery to report, one of which terminated fatally. The appended return gives the number and description of the boilers and machinery inspected, fees payable, defects found in boilers and fittings, notices to repair boilers and protect dangerous parts of machinery, and accidents to life and limb in this district. I have, &c, The Secretary, Marine Department. W. J. Jobson.

Return showing the Number and Description of the Boilers, &c., inspected and Fees payable in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1887.

Return of Defects found in Boilers and Fittings in the Auckland District during the Financial Year ended the 31st March, 1887.

Number. Nature of Boiler. Under 5 h.p. 5 to 10 Over 10 h.p. h.p. Fees. Kemarks. Portable boilers ... Stationary boilers Portable boilers ... Stationary boilers Locomotive boilers 7 16 96 2 3 5 38 24 2 6) 77} 17) 42 £ s. d. 175 0 0 j Employed at 35 establish- ( ments; fees at £5 each. 419 0 0 (Charged for at per horse- ( power of each boiler. % Machinery inspections, 11 at £1 each 11 0 0 Total for year 121 72 142 605 0 0

Description. Dangerous. Ordinary. Total. ?urnace-flues and fire-boxes out of shape ... 31istered fractured Pitted and grooved ... . corrosion, internal Corrosion, external Defective tubes Defective stays vTan-holes requiring strengthening l"oints sprung ... 1 2 3 4 (3 1 3 11 4 5 3 2 3 4 6 2 5 11 4 5 3 2 Total defects in boilers 3 42 45 Defective fittings— Safety-valves. Feed-valves ... Pressure-gauges Water-gauges and test-cocks Spring-balances Blow-off cocks and pipes Steam-pipes ... Fusible plugs in furnaces and fire-boxes ... )missions— Boilers without test-cocks 2 1 3 8 1 1 3 2 1 3 8 2 1 1 3 1 1 Gross total ... 64 G7