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. 13 Mary Wadley, 12 years Schooner 159 Potatoes Loss of mainmast Ten miles off Portland Island, light bearing N.N.W. Simmer Bar Beacon Rock, near Lyttelton s. Fresh .. Casualty caused through faulty condition of mast Gideon Widerstrom. , 13 Volunteer, 20 years Schooner 22 Ballast.. Stranded; total loss s.w. Light breeze Vessel lost steerage-way and drifted on rock through wind falling light and breakers striking vessel Casualty caused through wind falling light and becoming baffling Peter Hagland. 21 25 Alpha, 10J years Ketch .. Schooner 24 122 C h a ff, oats, and general Coal Stranded; total loss Quarter of a mile from mouth of Waikawa River Half a mile west of Turanganui River, Poverty Bay Whakatane Bar w. Light .. G. Salemin. Aratapu, 8 years Stranded ; no damage S.S.E. Moderate gale Casualty caused through cable parting, from defective link Henry D. Bower. „ 26 Hannah Mokau, s.s., 8 years Sybil, 7 years .. Schooner 35 7 General Stranded; total loss Loss of life only Loss of life only S.E. Casualty caused by vessel striking the bar and damaging her machinery Master, who was lying on deck, fell overboard, and was drowned Charles Anderson, master and part owner, fell overboard whilst steering, owing to tiller breaking short off, and was not seen afterwards Casualty caused through master mistaking land in thick weather Casualty caused through losing tide by waiting for a steamer to come in Nicholson Wood. 28 August 6 Mayflower, not registered Schooner Cutter .. 150 5 8 2 2 Island produce Firewood 1 1 Off Island of Manahiki In Whangapoua Passage, on voyage from Little Barrier Island to Auckland Parapara Beach, Golden Bay Eastern Spit, entrance to Napier Inner Harbour Howell's Rock, off Lookout Point, Bluff Harbour N.E. N. Light .. George Henry Trayte. Charles Anderson. 6 Elizabeth, 20 Ketch .. General Stranded; very slight damage Stranded; partial loss Gale .. John Edward Westrupp. Colin Campbell. 33 3 7 years Dunedin, 2Gyrs. Schooner 66 Ballast.. N.W. Light .. 9 Pelham, s.s., 21 Schooner 238 Coal .. Stranded; total loss E. Fresh .. The master, having only been to the port once, and being without a.pilot-exemption certificate, was wrong in attempting to enter the harbour before daylight without a pilot. When vessel got in six fathoms of water master was in default in not keeping her out at once. Master's certificate suspended for three months, and he was ordered to pay costs of inquiry Vessel ran on to reef through weather being foggy Christen Eriksen Greagor. 21 years „ 17 Stranded; slight damage South side of Whangapoua Heads Rose Casey, s.s., 7£ years Schooner 99 9 General; N.Z. produce Ballast.. Calm, foggy William Somerville. „ 19 Gipsy, 25 years Ketch .. 13 Stranded; total loss North-west bay in Le Bon's Bay, Banks Peninsula Lat. 33° S., long. 25° 50' W., South Atlantic E. Gale Gale caused vessel to drag her anchors and go ashore George Weaver. 20 Himalaya, 23 years Barque.. 1008 23 43 General Fire on board; partial loss Fair .. Vessel and cargo damaged by fire (supposed to have been caused by spontaneous combustion of coal in lower hold), and by water in extinguishing same Vessel went ashore through master mistaking a buoy, weather being hazy A flood in the river had caused the bar to shoal, which w r as not known to the master or harbourmaster Casualty caused by force of the gale William Paterson. 21 Lizzie Guy, 13 years Tui, s.s., 11 yrs. Brig'ntine Ballast.. Stranded ; partial loss Stranded; partial loss Wairohia Point, Hokianga River Bar of Manawatu River S. Gale .. James Stevens. 85 6 „ 24 Schooner 55 II 5 General Calm .. Charles Pope. „ 25 Huon Belle, 22 years Ketch .. -12 Sawn timber Loss of mast, sails, rigging, &c, and part of deck cargo Two miles S.E. of Cape Saunders s.w. Gale .. John Carruthers, ' 3