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IP-A-HT 11.



Appropriations for Public Works Services.

18S7-88. £ 5,000 £ 5,000 Vote ISTo. 49. —Public "Works, Departmental 1887-8. Item. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorised. VOTE No. 49. Public Works, Departmental— Head Office, Salaries and Contingencies — To supplement Vote under Part I. £ 5.C00 5,000 Total—Vote No. 49 5,000 5,000 TOTAL CLASS I. £5,0 '0 £5, '00

1887-88. ote No. 50.—New Works „ 51. —Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock „ 52. —Surveys £ 96,000 26,100 4,000 £ 225,000 26,100 5,000 126,100 256,100 1887-8; ".tern. MINISTER FOR PUBLIC WORKS. Amount Voted for Expenditure this Year. Amount required to be Authorised. VOTB No. 50. Mahton-Te Awamutu Railway Construction Works — North End South End £ 70,000 26,000 £ 150,000 75,000 1 2 Total—Vote No. 50 96,000 225,000 VOTE No. 51. Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock— Permanent-way, Sleepers, and Rolling-stock 26,100 26,100 Total—Vote No. 51 26,100 26,100 VOTE No. 52. SUEfEYS — Surveys 5,000 4,C00 Total—Vote No. 52 4,000 5,000 TOTAL CLASS II. £12 1,100 £256, 00