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and suggested alterations in them, and other matters of interest relating to colonial trade, in order that such information may be easily procurable by the public in this country at a moderate cost and without delay. 5. I need hardly observe that it is the desire of Her Majesty's Government to do all in their power to assist the development of colonial commerce, and that, with this view, arrangements have been made for publishing from time to time, in the new trade journal, which the Board of Trade propose to issue monthly, colonial commercial intelligence of interest and importance. This, it is believed, will supply a long-felt want, affording to the colonies much-needed facilities for the dissemination of such information in this country, and enabling Her Majesty's Government to answer many of the numerous inquiries made by merchants and others. 6. The chief points upon which information is desired will be best gathered from the accompanying parliamentary papers; and I need only express my hope that I shall receive the ready co-operation of yourself and of your Government, and that steps will be taken for furnishing me, as often as may be found convenient and necessary, for publication in the proposed Board of Trade journal, with any notes or items of news affecting the development of colonial trade, as well as with commercial reports containing the latest and best information respecting the colony under your Government. I have, &c, EDWAED STANHOPE. The Officer Administering the Government of New Zealand.

Enclosure No. 1. The Board of Trade to the Colonial Office. Sir, — Board of Trade (Commercial Department), London, S.W., 23rd August, 1886. I am directed by the Board of Trade to forward to you, to be laid before the Secretary of State for the Colonies, the accompanying copy of correspondence which has passed between this department and the Foreign Office in relation to the periodical publication of information respecting tariffs and trade, and to request that you will be good enough to call Mr. Secretary Stanhope's attention to the remarks upon the same subject in the printed correspondence as to the assistance to be given by the diplomatic and consular services to British trade —Parliamentary Paper (Commercial) No. 16, 1886. From these papers Mr. Stanhope will see that it is in contemplation, on the Treasury giving their sanction, to issue, in a handy form, at monthly or more frequent intervals, an official trade journal, for the purpose of affording early information respecting actual and proposed changes in Customs tariffs, and the regulations affecting the application of such tariffs, as well as other useful particulars as to tariffs and trade generally. A specimen copy of such a publication is also enclosed, for Mr. Stanhope's information. lam to add that the Board of Trade are now in correspondence with the Lords of the Treasury, with a view to obtaining the necessary sanction to the issue of such a journal, and the requisite instructions to be given to the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office in regard to it. It will be observed that the information given in the enclosed specimen number of the journal relates exclusively to foreign countries. The Board are, however, of opinion that it would be very desirable, and would acid considerably to the utility of the publication, to make the journal more complete by the addition of similar particulars respecting the various British colonies. I am therefore to request that you will be good enough to move the Secretary of State, if he agrees, to cause such arrangements to be made as may be necessary to procure such information from time to time, with a view to its being sent to this office for incorporation in the trade journal, especially changes in tariffs and regulations relating thereto, and any important industrial development, such as the recent discovery of gold in Western Australia, or other important matter. lam to add that such information as may be procured for this purpose will only be published under conditions and arrangements similar to those made with the Foreign Office in regard to particulars respecting foreign countries. I have, &c, The Under-Secretary of State, Colonial Office, S.W. B. Giffen.

Sub-Enclosure 1. The Board of Trade to the Foreign Office. Sir,— Board of Trade (Commercial Department), London, S.W., 19th July, 1886. With reference to previous correspondence, and to your letter of the 26th May last, suggesting the publication of a despatch from Sir J. S. Lumley, enclosed therewith, respecting certain changes in the classification of the Italian Customs tariff, I am directed by the Board of Trade to state, for the information of the Earl of Bosebery, that they have carefully considered the question of- publishing periodically this and other similar information on tariffs and trade. The enclosed specimen number of such a publication has now been prepared, in proof, by their direction and the Board of Trade propose to circulate copies among the Chambers of Commerce, together with a circular letter (of whiclra copy is enclosed) asking for their suggestions.