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62*3 per cent, to be examined in standards. The number actually examined amounted to 58"6 per cent, of the roll, the remainder (3*7 per cent.) being absent. The number of passes amounted to 42*5 per cent, of the roll, the remainder (16*1 per cent.) consisting of cases of failure (12*9 per cent.), and of cases "excepted" (3*2 per cent.) on the ground of insufficient attendance. The "percentage of passes" (42*5) is the highest yet attained: in 1885 the corresponding percentage was 41*9. The facts stated in this paragraph may be set in a clearer light by arranging them in tabular form : — Pupils in preparatory classes ... ... 3*F,814 or 37*1 per cent. „ above Standard VI. ... ... ... 618 „ 0-6 „ „ absent • ... ... ... ... 3,723 „ 3-7 „ excepted ... ... ... ... 3,270 „ 3-2 „ „ failed ... ... ... ... 13,150 „ 12-9 „ passed ... ... ... ... 43,335 „ 42-5 „ Number on rolls at inspection ... ... 101,910 „ 100-0 „ It will be observed that the " percentage of passes," as it is stated above in accordance with the regulations, is computed on the number of pupils on the roll: 42*5 per cent, of all the pupils passed at the annual examinations. It is evident, however, that it cannot be thence concluded that 57*5 failed : as a matter of fact only 12*9 per cent, actually failed. The " percentage of failures" as defined in the regulations is calculated after striking out of account the preparatory classes, the class above Standard VI., the absentees, and the excepted cases ;*of the remainder, 76*9 per cent, passed and 23*1 failed, and this 23-1 is the " percentage of failures." In addition to the subjects on which individual pass or failure depends, there are subjects in which the classes are examined and marks are given to the school as a whole, the maximum of such marks being 100, and there are other subjects of a comparatively optional character for which a school may gain "additional marks" not exceeding 120. In the following table of inspection statistics the mean of the marks for class subjects and the mean of the additional marks are included :— "

TABLE G.—Inspection Statistics.

On comparing the results in the several districts it is found that the failures vary from 17*1 per cent, to 34*2, the passes from 49-9 to 34-3, the class marks from 58*9 to 25*2, and the additional marks from 60*8 to 26*2. It is impossible to say to what extent these differences are due either to different degrees of educational efficiency in the schools, or to different standards of judgment adopted by different Inspectors. For a similar reason it is impossible to draw any very certain conclusions from the next table (H), except this one: that the number of pupils passing the First and Second Standards is very large in proportion to the number passing the standards above these. In five districts the largest number passed in the First Standard, in six districts the number passing in the Second Standard was the greatest, and in two districts the number of passes was highest in the Third Standard,


Education Districts. OS & a n I O O CD O & TO 03 C.;.—I 5)0 u ft CD O TJ ft Absent. 13 <*J M Failed. Passe:!. o CD cd t;:^i cd -- «~ 03 ft © . Cu oil "^ 415 Q <d rt ■ -ti CO h cS S gft £§£ Sg£ iS 1 a o a Vuckland <Tew Plymouth Vanganui Wellington Hawke's Bay Marlborough kelson irey Vestland.. vlorth Canterbury South Canterbury )tago Southland 20,030 2,321 5,874 8,835 4,783 1,627 4,991 1,484 1,892 18,650 4,365 21,460 5,593 7,361 840 2,146 3,388 1,663 565 1,624 462 598 6,967 1,581 8,268 2,351 47 1 24 42 12 12 70 28 50 62 32 221 17 809 124 255 207 200 58 1.18 164 131 782 234 483 152 772 148 249 294 172 70 152 44 34 674 83 360 218 2,401 413 955 837 033 182 534 192 252 2,964 621 2,52S 638 8,640 795 2,245 4,067 2,102 740 2,493 594 827 7,201 1,814 9,600 2,217 21-8 34-2 29-8 17-1 23-2 19-7 17-6 24-4 23-4 29-2 25-5 20-8 22-3 431 34-3 38-2 46-0 43-7 45-5 49-9 40-0 43-7 38-6 41-6 44-7 39-6 48-0 34-8 43-1 51-9 49-2 35-8 43-8 50-1 25-2 44-7 52-0 58-9 42-0 56-8 32-9 26-2 60-6 45-2 33-8 34-9 44-7 33-8 54-8 52-0 00-8 40-3 For the colony 101,910 37,814 6.1.8 3,723 3,270 13,150 43,335 23-1 42-5 Mean 44-6 Mean 44-4