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PUBLIC WOEKS DEPARTMENT. Pagk Appendix A. —Audited Statement of Expenditure on Public Wobks out of the Immigbation and Public Woeks Loan fob the Yeab 1886-87 .. .. .. .. .. 21 „ B.—Statement of all Liabilities in bespect of the Seevices of the Public Wobks DepabtMENT OUTSTANDING AT THE CLOSE OF THE FINANCIAL PEEIOD ENDED 31ST MABCH, 1887, PEEPABED IN TEEMS OP " THE PUBLIC REVENUES ACT, 1882," AND FOBWABDED AS THEBEIN PBOVIDED TO THE AUDIT OFFICE . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 28 n C. —Schedule of Railway Contbacts cuebent on Ist Apbil, 1886, and Contbacts entered INTO BY THE PUBLIC WOEKS DEPABTMENT DUEING THE YeAB ENDED 31ST MABCH, 1887 25 „ D.—Schedule of Sleepee Oonteacts cuebent on Ist Apbil, 1886, and Contbacts entebed INTO BY THE PUBLIC WOEKS DEPABTMENT DUEING THE YeAB ENDED 31ST MAECH, 1887 27 ~ E. —Schedule of Contbacts foe Roads and Miscellaneous Woeks cueeent on Ist Apbil, 1886, and conteacts entebed into by the public woeks depabtment dubinq the Yeab ended 31st Maboh, 1887 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 28 P.—Schedule of Conteacts fob Roads and Miscellaneous Woeks cubbent on Ist Apeil, 1886, and Conteacts enteeed into by the Suevey Depaetment dubing the Yeab ended 31st Maech, 1887 .. .. «. .. .. .. .. .. 29 „ 6. —Schedule of Conteacts fob Goldfields Roads cuebent on Ist Apeil, 1886, and Contbacts entebed into by the Mines Depabtment dubing the Yeab ended 31st Mabch, 1887 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 30 „ H.—Schedule of Conteacts fob Wateb-eaces cubeent on Ist Apeil, 1886, and Contracts ENTBBED INTO BY THE MINES DEPABTMENT DUBING THE YeAB ENDED 31ST MABCH, 1887 30 „ I. —Annual Repobt on Railways by the Engineee-in-Chief .. .. .. .. 31 „ J.—Annual Repoet on Roads, Miscellaneous Woeks, and Buildings, by the Engineeb-in-Chief, with Enclosuees .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 40 , K.—Annual Repobt on Lighthouse Wobks by the Maeine Engineeb .. .. .. 49 Enclosuees in Appendix H. and Maps