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Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, No. 10, 1887. Ordered, " That there be laid on the table a statement showing the items of expenditure in connection with the formation of special settlements within the Provincial District of Auckland, giving the names of public officers or others who have certified to the correctness of the several items under the following headings : (1.) Cost of survey, specifying tho locality, and whether conducted by the departmental officers. (2.) Amount paid for houses, clearings, and fencing of land respectively. (3.) Remuneration and travelling expenses paid to Stewards of Village Settlements, with the names of the recipients, and specifying any payments made to or claimed by Mr. J. Lundon. (4.) Miscellaneous expenses, specifying charges for advertising, provisions, freight, passages, public meetings, and other expenditure not included under the foregoing headings."—(Mr. Suttee.)

Return to an Order of the House of Representatives, dated the 5th day of May, 1887, showing the Items of Expenditure in connection with Village Settlements. Item I.—Cost of Survey. Village Settlements.

Name of Village Settlements. Item. Amount. Swanson Salaries and contingencies of Staff-officers McKellar, Vickerman, and McFarlane Ditto, A. Vickerman „ F. Simpson „ H. McKellar „ Wheeler and Williams „ Adams and Fairburn Salary of Authorised-surveyor Stephens „ Authorised-surveyor Stephens Staff-officer Fairburn Staff-officer Smith „ Authorised-surveyor P. Ward „ Staff-officers Stevens and Martin .. „ Staff-officer F. Kdgecombo Staff-officer E. Goldsmith .. „ Staff-omeer R. Newman & s. a. Ill 15 1 Omaha Whananaki Fern Flat Takahuc Piinakitere 340 1 10 360 16 0 302 17 10 151 6 5 431 5 0 160 0 0 42 8 0 70 0 O 200 4 0 127 10 0 199 7 4 141 17 4 50 0 0 309 10 8 Motukaraka Hcrekino Patana Akatea Te Arolia Hukcrenui 2,999 0 0 Certif■in; Officer—S. P. Smith.