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No. 7. The Pbemieb to the Agent-Genebal. Agent-General, London. Wellington, 17th September, 1886. Exhibition proposals. We are communicating with other colonies enable us to learn their views.

No. 8. The Peince of Wales to His Excellency the Goveenob. Governor, Wellington. Eefeebing to suggestion already communicated as to permanency of present Exhibition, I now propose that memorial of Queen's Jubilee should take form of permanent Imperial institution of colonies and India, comprising display of colonial and Indian resources. Contributions in aid institution to be solicited from Governments and public here, and all parts of Empire to be vested in Board. Trustees appointed by Sovereign, under permanent presidency heir-apparent Throne. Glad to be favoured with your views by cable, and to hear whether your Government prepared recommend annual grant for certain number years, or, if preferred, sum down. London, 20th September, 1886. Peince of Wales.

No. 9. His Excellency the Goveenob to His Eoyal Highness the Peince of Wales. Prince of Wales, London. 22nd September, 1886. My Government heartily thank your Eoyal Highness for so gratifying a proposal as that of permanently associating the colonies with the celebration of the Queen's Jubilee by the foundation of an institution to enduringly record their progress. My Government will join the Governments of the neighbouring colonies in taking the steps necessary to give effect to the proposal. Goveenob.

No. 10. The Acting Colonial Seceetaey, Western Australia, to the Pbemieb. The following reply has been this day sent by Governor Sir Frederick Broome to His Eoyal Highness the Prince of Wales's telegram of the 19th instant, proposing the formation in London, in celebration of Her Majesty's Jubilee, of a permanent Imperial Institute of the colonies and India : " Eeplying to your Eoyal Highness's telegram beg to state that Legislature of this colony has voted £5,000 for celebration of Her Majesty's Jubilee, on condition I appoint commission to consider best method of spending the money. I will at once appoint the commission and lay your Eoyal Highness's telegram before it, and am communicating with other Governments of Australia with view to harmonious action. If other colonies come forward in proportion to their means as Western Australia has done, any project decided on can be nobly carried out. Will telegraph immediately decision has been arrived at." Sir Frederick Broome would be glad to learn at the earliest possible moment the method of proceeding you propose to adopt in dealing with this matter in your colony. You will no doubt agree that it is desirable that the action of Australian and New Zealand Governments should be united and harmonious, and it is suggested that the contribution of colonies to the proposed Institute should be in proportion to population. We shall be glad to learn your opinion, and should you decide to contribute, to be informed to what amount, and in what manner, whether annually or by a lump sum. Perth, 21st September, 1886. Acting Colonial Seceetaey.

No. 11. The Chief Secbetaey, Queensland, to the Peemiee. Hon. Chief Secretary, New Zealand. I have advised administrators to reply to Prince of Wales's telegram as to the proposed institution, to convey to His Eoyal Highness the thanks of this Government for the proposal, and to assure him that the colony willingly co-operate with the other Australian colonies in giving effect to it, but that they are unable to state what recommendation they will make to Parliament on the subject until they are in possession of more detailed information as to the probable cost of the proposed institution, and have had an opportunity of consulting tho other colonial Governments on the matter. Brisbane, 23rd September, 1886. Chief Seceetaey.

No. 12. The Peemiee, Tasmania, to the Peemiee. The Premier, Sumner. Queen's Jubilee memorial. This Government will recommend Parliament to make adequate contribution, but await further information and as to cost before taking definite action. 25th September. Peemiee, Tasmania.