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I am directed to report that, as it appears there may be two or more claimants, in the opinion of the Committee it is desirable that the sum of £500 should be paid into Court under the provisions of Eule 472, the Supreme Court Code, 1882, to be there dealt with according to law. 9th June, 1887.

No. 135. —Petition of James Layther, of Aratapu, Kaipara. Petitioner states that, in consequence of having lost his land scrip and discharge as a soldier, by fire, his claim was disallowed by the late Commission. He prays for relief. I am directed to report that, the facts of this case having been specially inquired into by the Land Claims Commission, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th June, 1887.

No. 157. —Petition of Elijah Codling and Others, of Auckland. Petitioners, discharged seamen of the Royal navy, soldiers, and volunteers, pray for grants of landI am directed to report that the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th June, 1887.

No. 158.—Petition of Horace Baker (No. 2). Petitioner prays for an investigation as to the refusal of the Government to grant leave of absence on his services being dispensed with. I am directed to report that, as the point raised by the petitioner was considered by the Committee when considering the former petition, they can see no reason to depart from the decision then arrived at. 9th June, 1887.

Nos. 159 and 168.—Petition of Napier Bobough Council and Waipa County Council (No. 2). Petitioners state that last session a Committee of the House was appointed to inquire into the system of railway management proposed by Mr. S. Vaile; that the Committee recommended a trial, but attached conditions which practically rendered the carrying-out of such trial an impossibility. They pray that these adverse conditions may be removed, and a trial given to the scheme. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 9th June, 1887.

No. 160. —Petition of Job Wain and Others, of Opoho, Dunedin. Petitioners pray that the North Dunedin Cemetery Extension Bill may not be passed. I am directed to report that, as this Bill is now before the House, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th June, 1887.

No. 162. —Petition of the Waipa County Council (No. 1). Petitioners pray for certain alterations in "The Local Bodies' Loans Act, 1886." I am directed to report that, this question being now before Parliament, the Committee has no recommendation to make. 9th June, 1887.

No. 166.—Petition of Thomas Firman, of Camside, Kaiapoi. Petitioner states that, after serving in the Defence Force in various capacities, he was finally dismissed from the Armed Constabulary in 1882 on account of illness; that he contracted this illness from exposure while on duty as a policeman ; that he received £146 as compensation. He prays for further relief. I am directed to report that the Committee can see no reason to depart from the decision arrived at in the session of 1883. 9th June, 1887.

No. 169.—Petition of Lieut.-Colonel Thomas McDonnell. Petitioner prays that his pension as a recipient of the New Zealand Cross may be paid from the date of the Order in Council creating the same. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, petitioner has no claim ■whatever against the colony. 9th June, 1887.

No. 171. —Petition of Enoch Walker and Others. Petitioners, members of the following Special Settlement Associations, viz., Masterton-Manga-hoe, Woodville-Mangahao, Woodville-Mangatainoko, and other settlers, pray that the surveyed line of railway from Eketahuna to Woodville may not be altered. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. , 10th June, 1887.

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