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I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government in order that they may consider whether the Bill now before the House deals sufficiently with the matters complained of. 20th May, 1887.

No. 42.—Petition of Samuel Moeeison. Petitionee states that he was a warder of the Dunedin Prison for seventeen years; that on the 21st October, 1886, he was employed as warder overseer over a number of prisoners working in a quarry at Otago Heads; that the work was very dangerous for the prisoners owing to the falling rocks, &o.; that his attention was absorbed in watching this falling debris in order to prevent the men being struck; that -when the prisoners were mustered in the evening one was found to have escaped; that an inquiry was subsequently held over his escape, and petitioner dismissed in consequence. Pie prays that he may be compensated for loss of office. I am directed to report that the Committee cannot recommend the prayer of the petitioner. 20th May, 1887.

No. 30.—Petition of Habeiet Tolcheb. Petitionee states that her late husband (W. B. Davis) insured his life with the New Zealand Government Life Insurance Department in 1871; that the total amount of premiums paid was £108 2s. 6d. ; that in 1876 he borrowed £32 on his policy, and paid the interest until September, 1878; that he died in 1879, and the department refused to pay petitioner's claim, alleging that the policy had become void owing to the surrender-value having been absorbed in paying the loan and one premium ; that the case was eventually settled by arbitration, and the petitioner awarded full amount of claim, less interest and loan; that .she had to pay half the cost of arbitration, and was put to great expense in prosecuting her claim. Petitioner prays that a sum may be granted as compensation for the delay, &c, which took place in settling her claim. I am directed to report that, the petitioner having already given a receipt for the sum of £500 (being the sum assured) in full of all claims and demands under and by virtue of the said policy, she has no claim against the colony. 25th May, 1887.

Nos. 35, 50, si, 63, 64, 65, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94, and 95. Petitions of Boeough Council of Cambeidge, Lincoln Boad Boaed, Kihikihi Town Disteict Boaed, Waikato County Council, Tamaheee Eoad Boaed, Clifton County Council, Hamilton Eoad Boaed, Bobough Council of Hamilton, Cambeidge Eoad Boabd, Taotaoeoa Eoad Boaed, Pibongia Eoad Boabd, and Kieikirieoa Eoad Boaed. Petitionees state that last session a Committee was appointed to inquire into the system of railway management proposed by Mr. Samuel Vaile ; that the said Committee recommended a trial, but attached conditions which practically rendered the carrying-out of such trial an impossibility. They pray that these adverse conditions may be removed, and that a trial may be given to the scheme which will test its efficiency. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, these petitions should be referred to the Government for consideration. 25th May, 1887.

No. 72. —Petition of Andeew Thompson, of Waikouaiti. Petitionee prays that Waikouaiti Bay may be formed into a harbour. I am directed to report that this .Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th May, 1887.

]SFo. 75. —Petition of the Boeough Council of Gisboene, the County Council of Cook, and the Gisbobne Habboue Boaed. Petitionees pray that a Deeds Eegistry Office may be established at Gisborne at an early date. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th May, 1887.

Nos. 88 and 89.—Petitions of J. W. Beynolds and Others and P. Thomas and Others. Petitionees, shop assistants, factory employes, and others, who have been benefited by the labours of the late Mr. J. B. 8.-Bradshaw, pray that a sum may be placed on the estimates for his widow and family, who are in poor circumstances. I am directed to report that this Committee has no recommendation to make. 26th May, 1887.

No. 91. —Petition of John J. Cabbuthebs and Others, of Maraitai. Petitionees pray the Government to cause a small wharf to be erected near the mouth of the Turanga Greek. I am directed to report that, in the opinion of the Committee, this petition should be referred to the Government for consideration. 26th May, 1887.