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No. of Slioep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Bourn, W., Rangitata Bracofleld, N. P., Pleasant Point Braddick, John, Temuka Brasell, George, Pareora Bray, James, Gape's Valley Breadley, S., Orari Brogden, William, Temuka Brophy, Kyran, Pleasant Valley Brosnahan, John, Temuka Brosnaban, P., Kerry Town Brown, Alexander, Clayton, Fairlie Creek ... Brown, G. P., Woodbury Brown, John, Milford, Temuka Bruce and Holwell, Winchester Buck, R-obert, Rangitata Island Budd, William, Winchester Burke, Edmund, Geraldine Butler, George, Pleasant Point Button, R. T., Peel Forest Buxton, Seai-by, Rangitata Island Campbell, James, Kingsdown, Tiraaru Campbell, John, Fairfield, Pareora Campbell, John, Knock, Woodbury ... Campbell, Robert, Pareora Mains, Timaru ,.. Canavan, George, Canavan's Cargo, S., Temuka Carriek, James, Rangitata Carter, D. T* Pleasant Point Cartwright, II., Raincliff, Pleasant Point ... Chalmers, Adam, Rangitata Chapman, Evan, Waitohi Flat Chisholm, William, Sutherland's Chivers, Charles, Otipua Clark, A. M., A.rowhenua, Temuka Clark, A. M., Riverslea, Temuka Cleland, Andrew, Sutherlands Cliff George, Winchester Cochran, B. F. G., Hilton Cole, Robert, Timaru Coll, James, Pleasant Point Coll, Patrick, Timaru Collier, George, Glen-iti Colonial Real Property Co., Sherwood, Timaru Cone, Frederick, Waitohi Flat Connor and Niyen, Washdyke Connolly, Jeremiah, Geraldiue Conolly, Thomns, Winchester ■ Cook, John, Pleasant Point Conifer, Henry, Kangitata Cramond and Meikle, Fairlio Creek Crocker, R. G., Waitohi Flat Crornie, John, Timaru Crompton, T. R., Clarendon, Temuka Cumming, Thomas, Cave Cunningham, W-, Pleasant Point Dale, W., Washdyke Davie, R., Washdyke Davis, Jesse, Cheddar, Geraldine Dawe, Richard, Timoru Dinnie, Alexander, Moa Flat, Cave Donkin, F. W., The Warren, Geraldine Driscoll, Matthew, Pleasant Point Ear], Job, Geraldine Earl, W., Geraldine Edgar, Robert, Temuka Edmiston, H. P., Timaru Edmiston, W. F., Glen-iti Elliot, John, Sutherland's Elms, Robert, Upper Pareora Eendall, W. 0., Pleasant Point Forry, John, Pleasant Point Fifield, John, Woodbury Findlay, David, Hilton Fish, Dr. Robert, Geraldine Fitzgerald, John, Temuka Fitzgerald, William, Dirrah, Temuka Fleming and Hedley, Seadown, Temuka Ford, Henry, Peel Forest Foster, Rev. George, Timaru Frazer, J. & P., Pleasant Point Frew, William, Temuka Gafianey, Micliael, Temuka Galbraith, Samuel, Waitohi Flat 204 ■35 Nil 80 180 500 200 '57 4046 1100 55° 196 192 545 345° 600 699 26 r 300 120 3 23 1194 142 108 260 88 286 12300 13100 2520 2 138 233 34° 1616 160 26800 200 170 80 200 45° 5'° 694 200 200 3600 ' 180 400 1200 800 400 207 183 800 3000 700 700 300 604 300 90 Nil 1250 280 Nil 270 go 5° ii777 12644 2420 j 00 107 23 2 170 87. 260 32000 53 57' 300 5'ji 250 600 49 Nil 300 224 200 2000 498 200 284 97 287 73 6 20 300 2100 r 4 8 200 379 ■95 1590 86 38 490 400 298 383 1640 773 23 C80 500 '74 39 262 800 400 285 600 39 U 1090 797 35 '5° 75° 100 120 200 200 18 300 Nil 300 217 4'52 190 70 8800 ■47 3000 1250 1664 42 212 2500 '395 '5°4 200 ■5 2

No. of s: 81st: 1885. heep oa May. 1ESG. Gammie, James, Cavo G-apes, William, Gapes Valley Q-arforth, Samuel, Kakahu (Ohristohuroh) ... Garrick & Cowlishaw, The Brothers, Albury Gentleman, M. McS., Washdyke Gibson, John, Timaru Gilliatt, J. E., Stumps, Temuka Gladstone, H. J., Winchester Gosling, William, Coonoor, Timara Gould, E. J., Waterfalls, Pleasant Point . ... G-raham, Archibald, Timaru Grainger, Henry, Eangitata Tsland Grant, Andrew, EaincTifF, Temuka Grant, Lewis, Greenfield, Geraldine Grant, W., Hall's Farm, Timaru Green, S., Underwood, Gien-iti Greenaway, Isaac, Eangitata G-regan, James, Pleasant Valley Gregg, James, Orari Greig, John, Pleasant Point Gi-i(l!ths, Ephraim, Willow Bank, Orari Gudex, Michael, Pleasant Point Guerin, Michael, Hilton Guild, James, Temuka Guscott, James, Timaru Hoar, Conrad, Eangilata Tsland Hamilton, H., Clayton, Fairlic Creek Hamlyn, Thomas, Timaru Hammond, Robert, Geraldine Harm an and Stevens, Winchester Harper and Co., Hinder, Waitohi Flat Hawke, Thomas, Eangitata Hawk©, William, Geraldine Hawkey, C, 1'lcasant Point Hay, John, Temuka Hay, William, Pleasant Point Hayhurst, J. T. M., Temuka Hedley and Dunnett, Temuka Hesketh, II., Geraldine Heuchan, John, Waterfalls, Pleasant Point... Hewson, C, Geraldine Hide, William, Hilton Hitch, J., EainclifEe, Timara Hoare, Henry, EaincliiFe, Timaru Howe, Eichard, Kerrytown Ilolwell, John, Temuka Howe, W. M., Fernhill, Gape's Valley Howell, W. B., Pleasant Point Huffey, John, Spring, Q-ernldine Hullen, Henry, Waitohi Flat Hullen.Mrs. A. M.,Willow Bdge, Waitohi Flat. Hully, Daniel, Waitohi Flat Humphrey, A., Seadown, Temuka Inman, W. &.. Eockwood, Albury Inwood, D., Winchester Irvine, Adam, Geraldine Jack, W. J., Waitohi Flat Jackson,, PleasantPoint Jobberns and Eice, Pleasant Valley Jones, H., Pleasant Point Kane, James, Pleasant Point Keav, W. E., Fairlie Creek Kelland, Edwin, North Down, Timaru Kelland, J., sen., Hillon Kelland, E., Kelland Barton, Timaru Kelman, Alexander, Geraldine Kempster, Michael, Woodbury Kemiaway, Lee, & Acton, Pleasant Point Kennedy, W. M., Eangilafa Island Kerslak'e, E., Pleasant Point Ring, James, Timaru King, Thomas, Kingsdown, Timaru .Kinnalian, T., Levels Valley, Pleasant Point Lawrensou, James, South Eangitata Lawson, W. E. D., Geraldiue Leary, John, Hilton Lee, Edward, Temuka Lewis, Joseph, Blannont, Winchester Love, John, Gapes Valley Luxmoore, Mrs. M., Marehwiel, Timaru Macrlonald, A., Lower Orari, Geraldine MacDonald, A., Achablair, Pleasant Valley... Macdonald, Allan, W^odbury no 80 837 3°5° 653 500 S»S 1400 1000 100 1071 1348 332° 400 1086 40 2938 200 95 90 295 392 Nil 1040 490 197 22967 3323 4'3 1830 T2OO 300 IOO "35 4600 1128 180 122 36 900 295 500 2979S 400 250 '55 1400 70 8'5 94 Soo 3433 55° 5°° 510 1400 900 180 1297 "47 4220 35° 1210 Nil 3474 200 Nil 194 283 354 700 1010 600 194 25602 2915 500 1699 1900 45° 258 J OO 1490 4580 Nil 125 170 5° 74' '95 800 34800 300 300 '96 17 jo 100 .78 500 48 700 57'3 Sfia 568 Nil Nil ,500 53 700 3940 238 793 VSo 08 2 '57 Nil 1100 700 2706 852 500 700 35 5° 5°° 700 3186 695 500 89 1716 45° 75° 993 435° 7' 6. 2203 55o 700 890 4737 152 Nil 80 380 '298 !2O 6f)O 11947 478 24'5, 70 60 196 400 120 554 10^00 580 3419