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6—H. 15.




No of R] Slat 1 I 1885. 1hh!i> on May. 1880. Johnson, T. W., Kirwee Johnson, Walter, Greendale Johnston, A., Sheffield Johnston, James McC, Eolleston Johnston, Neil, Darfield Jones, Emily, West Melton Jones, James, Templeton Jones, John, West Melton Jones, Milsom, Killinchy Jones, Percy, Templar's Island, Papanui Jones, William, North Road, Kaiapoi Jones & Stronach, Cragieburn, Cass Joseph, A. L., Whiteeliffs Jowers, J. E., Springfield, J. C. Barton Farm, Sheffield Judge, John, Lincoln Kain, Thomas, Springfield Kemp, Richard, Kirwee Kendall, W., Leeston Kennaway, William, Woolston Kennedy, J., Halswell, Christchurch Kerr, John, Dunsandel Ember, Henry, Springston Kimber, James, Grafton, G-reenpark Kime, Henry, Springston King, George, and Co., Christchurch King, J. J., Killinchy King, T. and J., Christchurch Kiver, C, Burnham, Christcliurch Kneeshaw, Thomas, Selwyn Knight, H., St. Albans, Christchurch Knight, IT. A., Racecourse Hill Knight, J., Mount Pleasant, Rolleston Knight, John, New Brighton Knight, Silas, Rolleston Kruse, I)., Papanui Laffey, Thomas, Kirwee Laing, H., Templer Island, Christchurch Lamport, Thomas, Grlentnnnol Lane, H. B , Christchurch Lane, James, Ellesmere Lane, James, Yaldhurst Langdon, Thomas, Christchurch Langdon and Judge, Christchurch Larcombe, H. Templeton Law, James, Weedon's, Rolleston Laughton, Oliver, Halkett Town Lawrence, W. D., Rarensworth, Leeston Lean, W. S., Yaldhurst Learmonth,'! 1. L., Ardlin, Rakaia Lee, Mrs. H. M., Southbridge Lee, II. M , Southbridge Legg, James, Aylesbury Lemon, Mrs. W. J., Doyleston Lemon, Samuel, Doyleston Leslie, H. J. P., Kirwee Levett, James, Killinchy Lill, George, Grange, Dunsandel Lockhead, R. and J., Leeston Lockhead, Thomas, Dunsandel Long, William, Rolleston Lord, Jabez, Kirwee Lord, Thomas, Burnham Lovett, Joseph, Hororata Low, Alexander, Dunsandel Lowe, Levi, jun., Rolleston Luddy, William, Killinchy Lnkies, Joseph, Southbridge Macintosh, Ewan, Hororata Maeleod, J. A., Leeston MacLeod, John, Glendore (Dunsandel) Maddison, J., Templeton MaiTey, Richard, Hororata Maginness, John, Templeton Magon, Karl, Grreenpark Mangels, Johann, Tai Tapu Man gin, George, Greendale Manion, P. Weedons, Rolleston Mann, Arthur, Greendalo Mann, John, St. Albans, Christchurch Manson, Hugh, Kimberley Manson, James, Kimberley Marks, H., Weedons (Christchurcli) Marr, John, Deanston, tlalkett Town 708 130 300 '198 590 433 25° 262 39 Z 18 300 100 342 Nil 300 34° 198 Nil 100 260 98 20500 595 98 21^00 287 86 906 Nil 699 70 500 300 97 63 Nil ijOO 266 60 130 95 *>95 166 '95 635 200 IS 2 95 70 46 280 2130 98 Nil 35 109 1 360 3° 14718 54 100 '33° 346 40 n 973 '35 100 182 70 400 5°° 97 99 Nil 700 Nil >25 140 12 60 1300 700 2200 2488 328 170 5° 175 2470 86 800 555 186 140 500 . 1400 20 198 Nil Nil 82 264 Nil 1000 37° 300 136 38 285 600 '53 150 150 37 2 34° 2147 92 TOO 1S° 700 5OO 3° 129 35° 695 425 200 523 7i 1720 597 137° 2863 186 268 80 320 800 77 700 O40 176 100 250 '°S 130 245 197 400 1000 490 200 96 70 40 75° '53 188 '5° 2622 2q6

I No. of Snoop on 31st May. 1885. 188C. Marrack, Richard, Christchuroh Marsden Brothers, Heatkeote Valley Marsh Brothers, Christchurch Marshall, F. and VV., Templeton Marshall, George, Springaton Marshall, John, Springslon Matheson, J., Darfield Matthews, William, Springston Mathias, Lewis, Sjuthbridge McBeath, Roderick, Kiinberley McCarten, Thomas, Templeton McClelland, H. W., ICiuiberlcy McClelland, W. W., Courtenay McConnell, Henry, Fendaltown, Christchurch McConnell, J. J., Lakeside McCormick, Thomas, South bridge McCrostie, Hugh, Greendale McDonald, Donald, Leeston McBvedy, Peter, Southbridge McFetrick, Alexander, Hokitika McGregor, R. and A., Burnham Mcllraith, Robert, Southbridge Mcllrath, Hamilton, Springfield Mcllfath, J. L., Lakeside Mcllroy, Samuel, Southbridge Mclntosh, Thomas, Rockwood, Christchurch Mciiay, Alexander, Halkett Town McKee, John, Killinohy McKellar, John, Southbridge McKie, T. and W., Burnside, Glentunnel ... McLachlan, Alexander, Doyleston McLachlan, Archibald, Doyleston McLauchlan, W., Brookshle McLaughlan, James, Erindale, Burnham ... McLaughlin, Seaton, Dun3andel McLenaghan. D., Killinchy McLennan, D., Halkett Town McLennan, William, Halkett Town McMillan, D , Waddington McMillan, John, Dunsandel McNae, Archibald, Courlcnay McNeil, R., Doyleston McPhedran, J. D., Darfield McVinnie, William, Southbridge Miles, William, Folly, Springston Mills, John, Mrs., Greendale Milne, J., Lincoln Road & Sth'bg., Christch. Minchin, W., Westwood, Waddington Molfatt, Jennings, Halswcll Moffiitt, William, Waddington Moir and Co., Hororata Moir, William, Styx, Christchurch Monck, J. S., Sunnier Moorhead, M., Southbridge Moran, Charles, Templeton Morgan, J. G., Hororata Morrish, Richard. Craigleigh, Springston ... Morshead, J. T. P., Lincoln Morten, R. M., Mt. Pleasant, Christchurch... Muir, Archibald, Springston Muirhead, John, Templeton Munro, Roderick, Greendale Munson, Mrs. Arthur, Dunsandel Murehison, John, Lake Coleridge Murray, F. C, Lincoln Murray, ]?. C. II., Lincoln Murray, J. G., Greenpark Napier, George, Glentunnel Napier, James, Glentunnel National Mortgage and Agency Co., Kirwee Neaye, IT. D. S., Lawford, Rolleston Needham, Thomas, Rolleston Nelson, Andrew, Dunsandel Nelson, J. H,, Rolleston Newlove, G. W., Dunsandel Nicklaus, J. I\, Yaldhurst Kicoll, Alexander, Greenfield, Darfield Nixon, William, Killinchy N.Z. L. and M. A. Co., Brookdale, Springfield N.Z.L. & M.A. Co, Greenham Barton, S'thbrdg. N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Rainham, Christchurch N.Z. L. & M. A. Co., Mt. Torlesso, Springfield N.Z.L. & M.A. Co., Mount White, Cass ... Oakley, John, Halkett Town 5° . 8o 35 284 170 240 12 395 481 ,36 280 500 300 • !7 300 1700 196 33° 75° 280 97 40 32 6670 34i 77 252 8*4 764 397 222 41 45 5°9 3010 1236 557 806 200 5° Nil 3° ■5° 100 '34 Nil 240 2570 296 186 200 460 300 ' 16 500 1 150 97 300 418 520 ] 60 "93 24 Nil 8500 296 70 348 987 700 388 200 700 5° 97 693 1200 JJ62 320 792 .6 800 1 »S 2306 5° 3833 3760 241 93 75° 60 132 1850 152 3080 2838 190 100 436 l60 7°9 365 178 300 9960 200 1000 '83 21 300 300 95° I3°5° 75° 60 5806 396 '5° 296 300 6385 260 300 500 160 13400 43° 45 553° 287 75 850 840 500 66 800 6S 84 78 200 310 600 853° 1240 2864 2935° 11 10 127 200 Ni 45° 9200 2040 3000 11870 28104 H