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No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. Tipping, J. C, Oust Tobiri, Edward, Amberley Tobin and Kennedy, Amberley Todd, Andrew, Eangiora Todd, D , Southbiook Todd, George, North Loburn Topp, H., Sefton Trail, William, Leithfield Treaoy, Edward, North Loburn Tuer, Joseph, Loburn Turner, J. F , Fernside Turner, W. H., Waikari Turner, William, Bennett's Vallance, Alexander, Sefton Vallance, Hugh, Sefton Vallanee, J., jun., Sefton Vallanee, Joseph, Oust Vallance, W. W., Sefton Vaughan, William, Amberley Wadworth, W, J., Gray lands, Amberley Waiting, Isaac, West Eyreton Walker, Thomas, Oust Wallace Brothers, Flaxton Wallace, Gh, Soutlibrook Wallace, Robert, Leithfield Waller, Jane, Loburn Walsh, E., Oxford Ward, James, Ilunlly, Swannanoa Watson, Edwin, Amberley Watson, George, Southbrook Wayland, E. A., Oust We'bater J. P., Amberley (Christclrarch) Webster, James, Oust Weld, Dr. J. E., Oxford Weston, George, Kaiapoi Weylandt, G. E., East Oxford White, A. St. John, Balcairn White, J. S., Ohoka Whiteside, W. G., Ashley Bank White, James, Oxford Williams, William, Kangiora Wilson, Mrs. Archibald, Ashley Bank Wilson, Alexander, Ashley Bank Wilson, E., Oamside, Kaiapoi Wilson, James, East Oxford Wiiaon, Samuel ])., Sefton Wilson, Thomas, Ashler Bank Wilson, Thomas, Waikuku Wilson, W. D., Ashley Bank Winter, Alfred, Bennett's Winter, John, Swannanoa Winter, Michael, Bennett's Witham, William, Eangiora WitheH, C. W., Ashley Bank Wolff, J. R., Cust Wood, Richard, Bennett's Woodhouse, J. S., Amberley Wotherspoon, Archibald, Oxford Wright, James, Burnt Hill, Oxford Wright, Peter, East Oxford Wright, Richard, Ilawarden Wright, W., Bennett's Wjilic, J., Saltwater Creek Yates, Archibald, North Loburn Yaxley, Cornelius, North Loburn Young, Charles, Kaiapoi Young, James, jun., Sefton Young, James, Sefton Zweibruck, D., East Oxford 700 68 75 98 1OO 25 355 291 Nil 1390 '75 180 45 100 217 197 600 816 35° 95 1200 2 93 67 196 100 '5° 190 5° 88 375 121 352 527 94 204 3902 205 302 '5° 134 290 190 2,)(, 60 300 1OO 700 S [ '95 5° 80 •3° 5° 124 29.3 286 36 '575 90 300 ■98 339 '35 Nil 840 2454 300 100 1100 260 53 '95 '3° 300 100 98 89 296 90 20 757 12 194 4000 84 Nil 490 179 Nil 3°5 35° 2 jo > io Nil 2IO 400 92 Nil 400 110 280 490 92 220 1292 Nil 1280 2 793 800 1900 ■95° 1498 2238 1000 920 9' 81 166 95° 500 270 5° 80 56 e.s 296 200 100 40 394 232 100 SELWYN COUNTY (l"n Chrietoburch Subdivision). Abbott, William, Clifton, Southbridge Acton-Adams, W., Island F, Christchurch ... Adams, Charles, Greendale Adams, T. W., OiFord, Greendalo Addinglon, George Courtenay Albeit, John, Kir wee Aldre.l, T. R., Leeston Aldridge, Albert, Dunsandel Alington, W. H., Broadlands, Burnham Allan, Robert, Uillsborougli, Christehurch ... 736369 72641 500 438 2197 124 85< 6oi 39' 27O( 16. 201 3° 980 149 12; 2G( 201 Nil 11

No. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. I 1886. Perrott, Frank, Hurunui Perrott, G. T., Waikari Pester, E. and W., West Eyreton Philpolt, Adolphus, Norlli Loburn Philpott, E. G-., North Loburn Pickering, Richard, Kuiapoi Plaskett, G., View Hill Plaskett, William, Ferneide Pole, Joseph, Rangiora Ponsonby, John, North Loburn Powell, Thomas, West Eyreton Preece, James, Ohoka Prine, H. H., Horsford Downs, Aehloy Bank Prior ,Thomas, Fern-Bide Pritchard, Joseph V., Loburn Prouse, Thomas, Cust Purehas, Charles W., Aniberlej Purvis, James, Fernside Quigley, Ellen, North Loburn Rainoy, Andrew, Oxford Kead, George, Kaiapoi Reece, H. F., Mont Serrat, Waipsira Reed, William, Bennett's Reid, Alexander, Ashley liank Reid, Robert James, Bennett's Renehan, William, Leithfield Rice, Robert, Clariiyille Richardson and Co., Glentui, Bennett's Roberts, Mrs. Jane, Cust Robertson, John, Ashley Bank Robinson, James, West Eyreton Robs, W. M., Coutt'a Island Rowe, James, Ashley Bank Ruddenklr.u, J., Cust Russell, James, Leithfield Rutherford, Walter, Amborley Sambrook, W., Ohoka Sanderson and Studholmo, Waikari Sar.som, W., Southbrook Schofield, II., West Oxford Searles, George, Cust Shnrman, Bros., East Oxford Shaw, Thoinas, Ashley Bank Slieat, Stephen, Horrelvillo Shepherd, Robert, Swannanoa Skevingtnn, 0., Waikuku Skurr, John, Bennett's Sladdeii, Dilnot, Selson, Oxford Sloper, Robert, Amberley Smart, Samuel, North Loburn Smith, II., Clarkeville Smith, James, Fernside Smith, John, Totara, Horrelville Smith, William, Southbrook Smith, William, West Eyreton Smyth, Robert, Leithfield Speir, Hugh, Cust Stackwood, Mrs. S. A., Woodend Stalker, Joseph, Woodend Sl&rky, G. B., Br.iekenfield, Amberley Steffenp, II. Bennetts Stephenson, M., Fernside Stevenson, M.V3. John, Flaxton Stewart, John, Ashley Bank Stewart, James, Ashley Bank Stokes, John, Waikuku Stone, S., jun., Woodend Storer, William, Bennett's Stringer, R , Ashley Bank Stuart, John, Baleairn Stubbs,, East Oxford Sutherland, J., Sefton Taylor, F. S., Waipara Taylor, Jo?epli, Waipara Thomas, Henry, Ashley Bank Thomas, E. F., Oxford" Thomas, Samuel, Fair View, Ashley Bank Thompson, C. B., East Oxford Thompson, Richard, Summer Hill, Cust Thompson, W., Saltwater Creek Thompson, William, Freefidd, Cust Thompson, William, Greenfield, Cust ThrelkelJ, P. C, Flaxton Tipping, C. and H., Waikuku 1190 480 100 42 58 260 130 3' '45 Co 405 190 100 100 974 140 3° 122CO 6oO 108 IOO 90 Nil 25000 '33 170 328 45° !26 2400 80 400 30 17264 250 96 200 288 80 586 •95 561 100 45 25 500 100 57 180 130 245 9°5 3° 300 90 870 35° '5' 50 86 5000 600 120 140 250 80 24968 98 92 282 55° 96 2300 55 Nil 57 17343 180 109 190 195 80 500 967 22O 455 495 400 484 Nil 573 250 906 ■250 388 490 380 190 35° 180 59° 335 296 380 486 160 320 200 39 488 33°° 383 300 55° 100 190 500 4 i6 '35 46 500 2500 £00 39° 490 200 98 140 300 '68 6 200 61 960 2740 97 190 121 Nil 37i 0 7 946 1980 86 220 82 400 275 3° 190 140 3620 399 300 72 270 140 4240 583 4Si