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CANTERBURY, Etc., DISTRICT— continued.

RETURN showing the Sheepowners and the Number of Sheep and Lambs in each county on the 31st May, 1885 and 1886.

No. of s; 31st: loejo on May. 1885. 1886. Macfarlane, Jame?, Aehray, Rotherham Macfarlane, Walter, Kaiwarra, Culverden ... MoEae, G. W., Glens of Tekoa (Oheh.) ... Rutherford Bros., Glynn Wye, Waiau Rutherford, W. O., Montroee, Culverden ... Wilkin (Executors of), Robert St. Leonard's, Culverden Wilson, Sir J. C. (Executors), Culverden, 12259 20774 15000 25000 19000 27000 '493 2160 i6oo< 235°' 19001 2717. 2 135° 20201 Total in county 20015(1 20364I S<3«'7 S.30525

No. of SJicop on 31st May. 1885. 1880. (In Hopefield Subdivision.) Fowler, Thomas, Hopefield, Culverden 6000 (In Wniau Subdivision.) (Part of North Canterbury Subdivision.) Barker, I)., Pahau Pastures, Culverden Chapman Brothers, Mount Palm, Ilotherham Palgety, F. Gt., Balmoral, Hurunui Earshman & Co.,Pabau Reserve, Hurunui ... ForreBter, 11. A., Eolherham Praser, Thomas, Iieserve, Waiau Holmes, T., Upper Waiau Keiry Jones, E., Kotherham Farm, liotherhnm ... Jones, E., Waiau St., Rotherham 4SOi 479° I2OOO 31972 4OOO I38O 591° 12700 3' 644 3785 997 200 Nil 1000 5000 3' 1400 4200

1> 'o. of R aist: leep on Jay. 1886. 1SSG. Boulton, John, Oust Bowie, J., Woodend and Waikari Bowman, Edmund, Amberley Bowron, G.,jun., Sea View, Ashley Bank Boyce, Christopher, Sefton Boyd, Robert, Ballygarvie, Bennett's Bradley, William, West Eyreton Bramley, W., Woodend Brettagh & Pearson, Worlingliarn, W. Eyreton Bi'istow, E., Amberloy Broadfoot, A., Sea View, Amberley Brook, Donald, Ashley Bank Brook, John, Ashley Bank Brodie, J. McK., Berriedale, Amberley Brown, David, Amberlev Brown, E. II. & H. S., Mt. Thomas, Rangiora Brown, James, Clarlcville Brown, John, North Loburn Brown, Jonathan, Kangiora Bruere, Graham, Sefton Buchanan and Wade, Waikari Burgin, Thomas, Crosby, Swannanoa Burreil, G-eorge, Fernside Burton, W. H., Mount Benger, Hurunui ... Busch, Frederick, Kangiora Buss, W\ Rangfora Butlers, G. and II., Eyreton Cameron, D. and P., Saltwater Creek Cameron, John, Balcairn Campbell, C. K., Springbank Campbell, Michael, Dalbeg, Amberley C.-meannon, John, Huranui Carmiclmel, H. S., Loburn Carr and Duthie, As'dey Bank Carson, William, VVaipara Catherwood, Hugh, Cust Chamberlain Bros., Eastcolt, Waikari Chamber.", Frederick, Woodend 1 hapman, A. T., Springbank Chapman, R. W., Lowlands, Fernside Chapman, T. nnd E., Springbank Chapman, Walter Swannanoa Charles, James, Cust Chatlerton, J. V., Flaxlon Chilton, Thomas, Eyreton Clark, Donald, Amberley Cleere, Thomas, View Hill Clifford & Weld, Stonyhurst, Amberiey Clothier, K., Eyreton Clothier, James, Clarkville Coates, J", and S , Fernside Co'eman, S., Riverside, Amberley Collie, Donald, Ashley Bank Colonial Invest. Co., Ashley Downs (Dunedin) Condon, Joseph, Cusfc Cone, Gt-., Rangiora Conway, Thomas, Pleasant Yiew, Cust Conway, Thomas, sen , Cust 53° 2200 203.S 192 27 200 191 54 91150 650 1901 81 280 8,iO : 14956 80 10 124 ■65 1020 220 80 2300 286 300 35° 5'5 539 2672 60 560 1450 1871 2'S *5 80 97 32 7260 55° 1900 67 59' 476 1650 14728 75 225 ■53 400 •395 '94 98 2600 373 200 360 700 420 2225 1720 122 12 1800 Nil 114 96 290 ■95 32S9 266 180 5325 77 4000 j 4300 4440 4C00 180 61 485 200 4191 4630 5108 4480 240 3 425 181 2i86i 60 80 80 700 35 240C0 70 57 87 6oo 24 704 7i 3° 3° 1069 100 5° 700 192 3'4 !

:o. of Sheep on 31st May. 1885. 1886. CHEVIOT COU.NTY (In JSTorth Canterbury Subdivision). Robinson, Hon. W., Cheviot Hills, Cheviot ... ASHLEY COUNTY (In Norlh Canterbury Subdivision)". Addir.ell, Jobn, West Eynton Allan, Alexander, Rockvale, Waikari Allison, Edward, Oust Anderson, William, Clyde Grove, Gust Ausliss, J. O., Amberley Armstrong, J-, Loburii Armstrong, Thomas, Waika:i Arnott, W., Fernside Asbby, J. S., Twy Cross, Balcaira Ashworth, James, Scfton Atkinson, liobinson, Swannanoa Atkinson, W., Cust Atkinson, W., Marchmont, Rangiora Bailey, Prummond, Balcairn Bailey, George, Eyreton Bailey, Jobn, Fernside Bailie, Robert, Amberley Baird, Samuel, Sefton Baker, J. F., Kaiapoi Banks, Daniel, Loburn Banks, James, Ashley Bank Barker, Joseph, Loburn Barnes, J. E., Ssvynforde, Hawarden Barr, Jobn, A inberley Barrell, Samuel, Southbrook Barwell, George, Loburn Bassett, W. J., Woodstock, View Hill Baxter, Andrew, Mountain Farm, E. Oxford Baxter, John, Hillside, View Hill Baylis?, Thomas, Cust Beal, Henry, Eyrcton Bcattie, John, Cust Beere, A. J., Cust Beere, W. II., Cust Belcher, Richard, Kninpoi Bell, Jonathan, Foster, liangiora Bell, J. T., Swannanoa Benn, W. A., Amberley Bennett, Alex, Homedale, Bennett's Bennett, William, West Eyreton Bennie, Mrd. E., Si'flon Birnie, William, Kaiapoi Island Bluek, Andrew, Wnikari Blackmore, T. D., Kninpoi Blain, Mary, Locklicad, Oxford Blake, Jolm, Loburn Blunden, R., Leigh Farm, Bennetts 95000 105000 937 980 200 69 455 " °5 94 1306 150 58 1090 240 39° 300 200 94 488 1510 129 1626 163 90 1810 2;o 2/3 35° 1 :o 285 '95 460 277 ■7 34° 1 20 500 194 13 Co 220 43° 3" 500 98 ! 90 947 251 293 63 Nil I I25 1266 74 7° 220 380 11 92 7' 4H 235 43° 7°7 180 292 374 185 100 440 '95 500 262 i°35 9> 470 86 6 5 4 400 198 496 1500 375 292 Nil 7° 350 400 296 1650