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Table K—continued. Punishments for Prison Offences during the Year 1886 — continued. WELLINGTON (MOUNT COOK) PRISON.


3—H. 8.

Iuitials of Prisoner. Offence for which punished. By whom reported. By whom sentenced. Punishment." f. H. J. Assaulting a fellow-prisoner Prisoner R. by striking him on the forehead with a. piece of board W. B. Gudgeon, V.J. ! 3 days, and forfeit 14 days' marks. j . j

D. J. Assaulting and molesting officers in discharge of their duties Chief Warder H. Ferguson and Asst.-War-dens McKinstry and Coyle Asst.-Warder Nilsen H. S. Wardell, E.M. 30 days' confinement in irorjs W. W. Idleness at work, and insubordinate language towards officer Obscene language Irreverence at Divine service, and disobedience Fighting on Mount Cook Prison works J. Duthie, VJ. 48 hours bread and water. H. E. jr. w. Asst.-Warder Bradley Warder Swan E. Pearoe, V.J. J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. 24 hours bread and water. w. w. PL-Warder Eeardon.. E. Pearco, V.J. 3 days bread and water. D. J. } W. C. j J. J. Fighting in the piison yard Asst.-Warder Coyle .. J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 124 hours bread and water ( each 48 hours bread and water. w. w. J. D. . Highly insubordinate language to officer Direct disobedience of orders Refusing to do the work ordered Positive disobedience of orders Filthy and insubordinate language Filthy and insubordinate language, singing, shouting, and disturbing the quiet Of the gaol Disobedience of orders Insulting language to his officer Refusing to obey repeated orders Threatening and insulting language to .officer Attempting to assault the Pl.-Warder Insulting language on labour parade Disrespectful conduct towards an officer Leaving his work without permission Disrespectful language towards officer Disturbing the quiet of the prison at 6.10 a.m. by whistling and singing Insubordinate language to officer Refusing to work, smashing a pane of glass, and breaking cell door Obstructing officers in execution of their duties, and being highly insubordinate Fighting on Mt. Cook Prison works Creating a disturbance on Mt. Cook Prison works Idleness, and neglecting work Assaulting prisoner B., by striking him on the face Asst-Warder McCormack Asst.-Warder Eiddick Asst.-Matron Stenson W. E. Gudgeon, V J. 24 hours bread and water. J. R. J. D. PI.-Warder Reardon and Warder White Matron Maher and Asst.-Matron Stenson Ditto J. R. Blair, V.G 3 days bread and water, and forfeit 14 days' marks. 24 hours bread and water. A. T. 12 hours bread and water. T. H. T. H. PI.-Warder Eeardon.. E. Pearco, V.J. 3 days bread and water. „ .(cumulative). A. T. Matron Maher W. E. Gudgeon, V.J. 3 days bread and water. J. J. PI.-Warder Reardon.. J. G. Butts, V.J. J. J. PL-Warder Millington J. R. Pl.-Warder Eeardon.. J. Dransfieia, V.J. .. 24 hours bread and water. D. K. Asst.-Warder McKinstry Acting PI. - Warder Duggan Ditto E. Pearce, V.J. 3 days bread and water. J. E. J. B. Blair, V.J. 2 days bread and water. J. Bi. F. A. Asst.-Warder McKinstry J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 3 days bread and water. F. A. Ditto A. T. Matron Maher and Asst.-Matron Traeey J. G. Butts, V.J. A. T. Ditto „ (cumulative.) D. J. Pl.-Warder Eeardon.. W. E. Gudgeon, V.J. 3 days bread and water. D. J. (cumulative.) D. M. J. Dransfield, V.J. .. 48 hours bread and water. D. M. (cumulative.) H. W. Having a saw-blade and file in his possession, apparently for prison-breaking purposes Conniving at a serious breach of the prison regulations, having tools in his possession for prison-breaking purposes, and refusing to give them up Pl.-Warder Millington W. E. Gudgeon, V.J. 3 days bread and water, and forfeit 14 days' marks. L. de C. Ditto.