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the Commission, states that he cannot remember having made any such promise, and Mr. Bussell, in his letter of the 17th September, 1874, denies that any such promise was made. With reference to the third contention, the Commission consider that the letter quoted does not bear the construction sought to be placed upon it, but refers to the general claim of the Forest Bangers, viz., those men who enrolled on the lower rate of pay, and whose claims were afterwards satisfied by grants of land at Eangiaohia. We have also had to deal with claims made by members of the Wellington and Auckland Colonial Defence Forces. In the case of the Wellington troop, we find there is no evidence whatever to show that any promise of land was ever made —in fact, the evidence taken by us is distinctly against any such promise; and, further, the terms of service signed by Major Edwards, the then commandant, and the declaration to be signed by each trooper attached thereto, although most explicit on every other point, contains no mention of land. The claims of the Auckland Defence Force present elements of greater difficulty. The evidence of Major Walmsley and other members of the corps leave no room to doubt that the late Colonel Nixon did promise his men land, presumably under the authority of Mr. T. Bussell, the then Defence Minister; but that gentleman stated, before a Select Committee of the Legislature, in 1864, that no engagement was made with the corps that they should get land. There is, moreover, no documentary evidence whatever on the subject, whether in the original memorandum of condition of service, No. 63, 1862, or in subsequent letters from Colonel Nixon ; and Captain Pye, in his application of the 11th August, 1886, states that Colonel Nixon was promised land, by Sir George Grey and Mr. Bussell, for the men who first enlisted. Sir George Grey, in his letter of the 9th July, 1865, states that he cannot remember having made any promise, and that he had nothing to do with the granting of land. Under these circumstances we do not feel justified in recommending that the claims of the Auckland Colonial Defence Force should be considered by the Government. Should the grants we have recommended be confirmed by the Legislature, we would suggest that due notice should bo given to each applicant that his claim has been allowed ; but we do not consider that it will be necessary to inform the rejected applicants of the decision arrived at in their cases. We beg to attach to this report three schedules, containing —First, the names of those applicants whose claims we are unable to recommend for consideration ; second, claims of applicants recommended ; and, third, claims otherwise dealt with : all of which we respectfully beg to submit for your Excellency's consideration. Given under our hands and seals at Wellington, this twenty-seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven. (1.5.) W. B. Gudgeon, Chairman. (1.5.) A. Growe, Major (Member).

SCHEDULE I. List of Bejected Claims, showing Becord No., Name, Bank, Eegiment or Corps, and Nature of Claim. 1486. Adams, F. E. ; claim, indefinite. 1005. Adams, W., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 178. Adamson, S., trooper, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 177. Adamson, W., trooper, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 291. Agger, Jas., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1470. Ahearn, J., private, 12th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1169. Aisher, Win., sergeant, 14th Eegiment; claim, 80 acres. 727. Aldred, F., gunner, Eoyal Horse Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 642. Aldhin, T., private, Forest Bangers; claim, 51 acres. 451. Alexander, Mary (for deceased husband), Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1128. Alexander, E., private, 65th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 292. Allen, G., private, 65th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 1010. Allsop, C, private, 70th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 192. Amois, W., A.8., Boyal Navy; claim, 60 acres. 1537. Anderson, W., private, 7th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 520. Andrews, E., constable, Armed. Constabulary Force ; claim, indefinite. 491. Andrews, W., private, 12th Eegiment ; claim, 60 acres. 1609. Anihana, G., private, Volunteers ; claim, £30 scrip. 1399. Anthony, J., private, 69th Begiment; claim, 60 acres. 456. Archard, F., private, Militia ; claim, indefinite. 1541. Ardern, G., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 221. Armitage, private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 213. Arnold, A. H., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 641. Ashley, T., trooper, 10th Hussars; claim, 60 acres. 1259. Ashton, John, private, Coldstream Guards ; claim, 60 acres. 35. Askey, Win., sergeant, 65th Eegiment ; claim, 80 acres. 293. Aspen, John, private, 40th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 147. Atkins, W., private, Volunteers; claim, £30 scrip. 120. Atkinson, Jas., private, Volunteers ; claim, indefinite. 1335. Atkinson, J. J., major, Militia Staff; claim, £30 scrip. 149. Bailey, Win., private, 58th Eegiment; claim, 60 acres. 811. Bailey, Wm., private, Volunteers; claim, indefinite. 1232. Baillie, D. W., gunner, Eoyal Artillery; claim, 60 acres. 1233. Baillie, William, trooper, 6th D. Guards ; claim, 60 acres.