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1384. D. Dagget.—Fire extinguishing. 1385. C. G. Evensen. —Night signals. 1389. H. G. Beddele.—Drilling or tapping mains, &c. 1390. T. E. Meeeitt. —Preserving-tins. 1391. J. Thomson. —Saddles. 1392. B. H. Maetin.—Bicycle-wheel. 1396. J. Keee.—Wheel for vehicles. 1398. F. J. Noble, B. Stansell, and J. B. Stansell.—Cyclone variable adjustment. 1403. J. Bbown.—Boat-propeller. 1404. J. Andeeson and A. Mobbison.—Lift-catch. 1408. J. I. Adams. —Drinking-trough. 1415. F. H. Asbuey.—Heating greenhouses. 1418. A. Mackie. —Buggy draught-bar. 1420. J. Y. Johnson. —Collar-stud and necktie-holder. 1421. J. T. Thompson.—Fuel. 1422. J. Keee. —Beaping-machine. 1425. P. Babbidge and G. Dillbeeg.—Electric advertiser. 1426. B. Goulton.—Trapping animals. 1432. E. F. Weight.—Hedge trimming. 1433. E. West. —Barb-wire. 1435. F. W. Cone.—Veining leather. 1439. B. Geay.—Bagger for chaffcutter. 1440. G. A. Bitson. —Botary engine. 1441. B. Dick. —Purifying waste liquors. 1443. L. O. Beal, Jun.—Bange, and speed-ascertaining apparatus. 1447. G. Dalgleish.—Fencing-standard. 1458. A. D. Smith. —Boiling-tip waggon. 1461. W. Doig.— Wheelbarrow. 1463. J. 'Hopkinson.—Blast-furnace. 1464. B. W. Tuenbull and E. Duckwoeth. —Turners' cramp. 1466. A. Mackie.—Adjustable carriage-pole. 1467. P. Babbidge, G. Dillbeeg, and F. Hebden.—Using mineral ore for telephone-transmitters. 1469. G. W. Heslop.—Notifying change in temperature. 1471. D. Bobeetson and H. Babbee. —Preserving-pan. 1473. E. Fishee.—Wire-strainer. 1476. T. Jowsey and J. Jackson. —Invalid bedstead. 1477. C. B. Gostling.—Crushing chalk, &c. 1479. G. Downe and J. W. Cayzee.—Tramway motor. 1481. H. M. Cavendish. —Cork- or stopper-opener. . 1482. J. C. Cadman. —Treating disease of the nerves. 1483. B. Walkee. —Tea-mixer. 1491. E. Fishee. —Wire-strainer and fastener. 1494. T. S. Boyds.—Crescent hoe. 1495. J. Musgeove.—Seed-sowing machine. 1496. P. Babbidge, G. Dillbeeg, and F. Hebden.—Telephone-transmitter. 1498. S. H. Mannees, C. E. Mannebs, and J. T. Ledan.—Holding ropes, &c. 1501. F. Oakden.—Chain-belting. 1503. G. H. Poyntee.—Lawn-tennis shoe. 1504. E. J. Noble.' —Barb-wire cutter, &c. 1505. W. Moeton.—Adjusting-rods of tripod-stand. 1507. H. Bafton.—Coal-basket. 1508. J. Caeteb.—Quartz-crushing. 1511. F. Oakden. —Lift-catch. 1512. G. W. Bull and G. Baynee.—Treating gold ores. 1513. T. Gaeeand. —Milk-strainer. 1514. C. Walkden. —Sub-aqueous excavator. 1515. E. Fishee.—Wire-strainer. 1516. W. E. Bichaedson.—Butter-printer. 1518. T. Beuce.—Beehive. 1519. H. Geaff. —Fencing-stanchion. 1527. A. B. Caed and T. E. Meeeitt. —A game. 1532. D. Thomas, C. Bbaddell, and C Bay.—Street watering, &c. 1533. J. H. Daeton. —Nurses' friend. 1534. C. Walkden.—Sub-aqueous excavator. 1536. W. Fawkes.—Volcanic trass. 1538. W. C. Welkins. —Cheese-making. 1539. W. Aemsteong.—Pneumatic gripper. 1540. D. Climie.—Graving dock. 1544. F. J. Noble. —Paper-making. 1551. F. A. Twiname.—Preserving poles. 1555. H. August.—Hair mattress. 1556. J. H. Cocksedge.—Gas-motor engines. 1560. J. H. Paekee.—Fire-plug. 1564. J. S. Hudson. —Electro-magnetic engine. 1565. G. McHattie.—Flexible harrow. 4—H. 1.