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NAPIER HIGH SCHOOL. 1. Report of the Board. Sir,— Napier, 4th March, 1887. The Governors of Napier High School have the honour to report, for the information of the Hon. the Minister of Education, that the Boys' and Girls' High Schools under their care have had a fairly prosperous year. During the last term of the year the former had an average attendance of ninety-one pupils, and the latter had seventy-three. Owing to the increased number of pupils, the Governors required to add to the accommodation and to the teaching staff in both schools. The Inspector-General of Schools visited them both in September, and reported on them as exhibiting fairly satisfactory work. Professors Shand and Sale examined both of the schools in December, and gave detailed statements of their condition. Copies of these reports are enclosed, as well as those of the Headmaster and Headmistress of the boys' and girls' schools respectively, and a balance-sheet of the accounts as audited by Mr. Macalister. I have, &c, The Secretary for Education, Wellington. David Sidey, Secretary.

2. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year ending 31st December, 1886. Receipts. £ s. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Current account from reserves .. 275 15 6 By Dr. balance at beginning of year .. 1,797 9 10 From property not a reserve .. .. 584 0 0 Office—salary .. .. .. 60 0 0 Interest on moneys invested .. .. 315 19 1 Other office expenses .. .. .. 718 6 Paid by School Commissioners .. 120 0 0 Other expenses of management .. 7 12 10 School fees .. .. .. .. 1,690 6 8 Teachers'salaries and allowances .. 2,206 3 5 Books, &c, sold, and other refunds .. 62 5 0 Examiners' fees .. .. .. 80 0 0 Old stock sold .. .. .. 57 3 9 Prizes .. .. .. .. 12 15 0 Overdraft at end of year .. .. 2,648 2 8 Printing, stationery, and advertising .. 7 10 Cleaning, fuel, light, &c. .. .. 11l 11 6 Book and stationery account, &c. .. 99 10 10 Buildings— Purchase, &c. .. .. .. 824 14 3 Fencing, &o. .. .. 261 6 3 Rents, insurance, &c... .. .. 125 9 0 Interest on current account .. .. 152 0 3 £5,753 12 8 £5,753 12 8 J. D. Ormond, Chairman. David Sidey, Secretary. Examined and passed.—R. Macalister, Provincial District Auditor. 18th February, 1887. 3. Statement of Assets and Liabilities on the 31st December, 1886. Assets. £ s. d. Liabilities. £ s. d. Girls' school .. .. .. .. 3,250 0 0 Overdraft at Bank of New Zealand .. 2,648 2 8 Furniture .. .. .. .. 700 0 0 Interest on same, but not charged till end Boys' school .. .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 of March .. .. .. 46 9 8 Furniture .. .. .. .. 400 0 0 Reserves .. .. .. .. 3,104 0 0 Property not a reserve .. .. 8,176 0 0 Mortgages .. .. .. .. 5,568 0 0 £25,198 0 0 £2,694 12 4 Working Balance on the 31st December, 1886. £ s. d. School fees unpaid .. .. .. 43 2 6 Rents unpaid .. .. .. .. 26 15 0 £69 17 6

4. Work op the Highest and Lowest Forms, Boys' School. Highest Form.— Latin : Cicero, Pro Lege Manilia, De Senectute ; Latin composition. Greek : Homer, Lib. XVI.; composition. French: Selections from best authors, composition, and grammar. Euclid: Six books. Algebra: To the binomial theorem. Trigonometry :To end of solution of triangles. Statics : Hainblin Smith's and Todhunter's. Dynamics : Todhunter's. Optics : Ganot. Hydrostatics : Hamblin Smith's and Phear's. Chemistry : Roscoe's. History : Bright's. Geography: General. English : Morris, Skeat, Oliphant, selections. Lowest Form.— English : Elementary. Geography : Elementary. History : Elementary. Writing: Elementary. Drawing : Elementary. Object-lessons.

5. Work of the Highest and Lowest Forms, Girls' School. Highest Form. —Scripture: Old Testament history. Arithmetic: Sonnenschein, complete course; miscellaneous exercises. Algebra: To quadratics, inclusive. Geometry: Euclid, Book I. Astronomy : Elementary. Chemistry : Second year's course. Physics : First year's course. Geography : Physical and political. Grammar : Parsing and analysis. History : English to Tudor period. Literature : Elizabethan; Shakespeare (Richard II.). French: Grammar; Trans. Moliere. German : Elementary. Latin : Grammar ; Virgil, iEneid I. Lowest Form. —Scripture : Old Testament history. Arithmetic : Simple and compound rules. Botany : Elementary. French : Elementary. Geography: Physical and political. Grammar; Easy analysis and parsing. History : History of England, Will. I. to Henry IV. «