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9. Diplomas of degrees in the University of New Zealand were presented in 1886 to four gentlemen who have been students of this college, namely, to Mr. Arthur Gifford, 8.A., the degree of Master of Arts, with first-class honours ; to Mr. C. Z. Clayton, 8.A., the degree of LL.B.; and to Messrs. H. L. James and Walter Kerr, the degree of Baohelor of Arts. 10. The number of graduates of the University of New Zealand whose names are on the college register, and who are therefore entitled to vote in the election of members of the College Council, is at present 19; of whom 8 are ad eundem. 11. An audited statement of the accounts is hereunto annexed. I have, &c, G. Maueice O'Eoeke, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Chairman of the College Council.

Kbceipts and Expenditure of the Auckland Univeesity College for the Year ending 31st December, 1886. Receipts. £ 6. d. Expenditure. £ s. d. To Bank balance, Ist January .. .. 387 13 7By SalariesCash in hand .. .. .. 14 5 1 Professors.. .. .. .. 2,65117 0 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Registrar .. .. .. .. 150 0 0 Statutory grant .. .. .. 4,000 0 0 Lecturer on anatomy .. .. 150 0 0 Interests on fixed deposit .. .. 100 0 0 Chemical attendant .. .. 100 12 6 Natural-science attendant .. .. 84 0 0 Caretaker.. .. .. .. 26 0 0 Housekeeper .. .. .. 26 0 0 Repairs and fittings .. .. .. 155 10 2 Furniture .. .. .. .. 31 11 4 Apparatus .. .. .. .. 110 6 Stationery .. .. .. .. 9 5 11 Printing .. .. .. .. 72 8 6 Advertising .. .. .. .. 36 12 3 Cleaning, lighting, and firing .. .. 38 5 11 • Miscellaneous ~ .. .. 20 0 10 Public account, refund .. .. 409 11 4 Agent-General, remitted .. .. 25 8 9 Insurance .. .. .. .. 11 4 1 Scholarship .. .. .. 100 0 0 Interest .. .. .. .. 0 18 6 Charges on Sinclair and Gillies Scholarship Account .. .. .. 0 6 2 Chemistry .. .. .. .. 101 17 9 Natural science .. .. .. 71 15 9 Lecture requisites .. .. .. 24 0 8 Endowments .. .. .. 16 19 9 Fixed deposit .. .. .. 2,000 0 0 Bank of New Zealand .. .. 173 9 11 Cash in hand .. .. .. 3 13 7 Cash for January, 1887, payment .. 8 17 6 £6,601 18 8 £6,501 18 8 Examined, with the books and vouchers. The charges on Sinclair and Gillies Scholarship Account are to be refunded in 1887. In lecture requisites a sum of £50 must be treated as an advance to Professor Thomas, to be duly accounted for. Of payments of £409 11s. 4d. to the Public Account, and £25 Bs. 9d. to the Agent-General, I am furnished with no particulars: the Treasury Department can probably supply information and vouchers. The accounts are otherwise passed as correct.— L. A. Dubeieu, Auditor, 23rd March, 1887.

Sinclair and Gillies Scholarship Account to 31st December, 1886. Capital Account. s s. a. & s. a. Amount received for the Trust .. .. 3,000 0 0 Lent on mortgage .. .. .. 3,000 0 0 Bevenue Account. 1886. Receipts. £ s. a. 1886. Expenditure. £ s. a. Jan. 1. To Balance in hand .. .. 225 17 3 Dec. 31. By ScholarshipsMar. 6. Interest from Auckland Agri- T. H. Green .. .. 100 0 O cultural and Pastoral Asao- T. E. Wilson .. .. 100 0 O ciation .. .. .. 56 5 0 Advertising .. .. .. 2 5 0 July 16. Ditto .. .. .. 5G 5 0 Miscellaneous .. .. 916 6 Oct. 21. Ditto .. .. 56 5 0 Balance .. .. .. 238 15 9 Nov. 15. Ditto .. .. .. 56 5 0 £450 JL7_ 3 £450 17 3 1886. ™ Dec. 31. To Balance Bank of New Zealand .. £238 15 9 Interest due, £56 ss. Examined.—A small error, 6s. 2d., between this account and the general account will be adjusted in following year; otherwise correct. —L. A. Dueeieu, Auditor, 23rd March, 1887. [Approximate Cost of Paper.— Preparation, MB; printing (1,500 copies), £1155.]

Authority: Geobge Didsbuey, Government Printer, Wellington.—-1887.