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5. What part did England take in the discoveries and adventures of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries ? 6. Compare Thomas Cromwell and Oliver Cromwell as to character, work, position, and influence on the history of England. 7. Describe and explain the rise and fall of Strafford. 8. What attempts have been made to invade England since the reign of Elizabeth, and why did they fail ? 9. How did Continental affairs affect English politics during the last twenty years of the eighteenth century ? 10. What do you know of ship-money, Pride's Purge, the Darien scheme, and John Wilkes ?

Class D.—Latin. Time allowed: Three hours. 1. Decline eadem domus. Give the nominative singular masculine of the superlative of facilis, aeger, superior, propior, dubius, beneficus. Write down in Latin—Twenty-four, twenty-fourth, twenty-four times, twenty-four apiece. 2. Give the first person singular of the perfect active, the infinitive, and the supine of lego, adimo, venio, cupio, veto, pello, adjicio. Give the first person singular of the future and future perfect of adsum, adeo, aufero, fio. Distinguish between occido and occldo, conditus and conditus, oblitus and oblttus, refert and r'fert. 3. Express in Latin, according to Boman usage, all the days from August 28 to September 2, both inclusive. 4. Translate into Latin — All of us have suffered the same evils as you are now suffering. I do not know what to do, or what is likely to happen. He promised to do whatever Caesar ordered. I wish I could persuade you that these things are true. I am afraid he will not be able to help us. Such was his boastfulness, he was believed by no one. 5. Translate — Idem, cum Epaminondas Spartam oppugnaret, essetque sine muris oppidum, talem se imperatorem praebuit ut eo tempore omnibus apparuerit nisi ille fuisset Spartam futuram non fuisse. In quo quidem discrimine celeritas ejus consilii saluti fuit universis. Nam cum quidam adolescentuli, hostium adventu perterriti, ad Thebanos transfugere vellent et locum extra urbem editum cepissent, Agesilaus, qui perniciosissimum fore videret si animadversum esset quemquam ad hostes transfugere conari, cum suis eo venit atque, ut si bono animo fecissent, laudavit consilium eorum, quod eum locum occupassent, et so quoque id fieri debere animadvertisse. Sic adolescentes simulata laudatione recuperavit, et adjunctis de suis comitibus locum tutum reliquit.

Class D.—Algebra (Optional). Time allowed : Three hours. 1. Explain the use of brackets in algebraical expressions. What rules must be attended to in removing brackets? Give reasons for these rules. Simplify the expression,— x — [2a; — y - (3y + z)] + [iz — (5z -x)]. 2. Define a poiuer, a factor, and a coefficient. o? a?b4-b$ 1 Find the value of the expression ~ M ... when a=2, b=- 2, c= ?) . 3. Find the continued product of (a+x) 2, a 2+ax-\-x", and x 2 —ax + a' i. 4. Divide a 4 —as(ic a —i/— «) — a(xy—xz) +yz by a 3 — ax+z. 5. Besolve the following expressions into their simplest factors, and write down their G.C.M. and L.C.M.: a'-aV, (a s-ab*y, and (a?-ab)\ 6. Simplify the following expressions:— (a.) 3a 3-3tt^ + a£ 3-y, 4a 2 — sab + b" (b.) 3 + 2x_2-3x_x z-16x. 2—x 2+x x z-i ' (c.) ( , b— a I (, b— a ) { 1 + abi { 1 + ab] 7. Find the relation that must exist between the coefficients p, q, and r, in order that the expression' px^+qx-yr may be a complete square. 8. Solve the equations,— (a.) 6a; + 7_2(a!-l)_2a;+l. ~IT~ 1x -6 5 ' (b.) x+a_x — b_2(a+b) . x—a x+b x (c.) *="2-f--2^, y=s—x. 9. The express trains frpm Dunedin and Christchurch start at the same time and pass one