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1,838 now hold certificates. 222 will have certificates when Inspectors assign marks. 85 will have certificates when they have had two years' experience. 312 (of whom 28 hold licenses) are registered for "partial pass." 49 have qualifications equivalent to "partial pass." 82 (besides 28 referred to above) hold licenses. 7 have district licenses. 12 have surrendered their certificates or had them cancelled. 68 certificated teachers have died. 544 (not counting 18 who have licenses) have failed as yet, and 502 have been rejected or have only made inquiries. 3,721 is the total number of correspondents. The number of certificates continues to increase at the rate of from 150 to 200 a year. It is believed that about 480 certificated teachers were (so far as the Boards' service is concerned) unemployed in December, 1886. The only way of ascertaining the precise number is to compare the returns furnished by the Board with the Department's list of certificates, and the returns have been so lately received that there has not yet been time to make the comparison. I hope to be able in a few weeks to prepare a statement of the number of certificated teachers who were in the service of the Boards at the end of the year. Eleven certificated teachers are in charge of Native schools, and some are teaching in grammar schools. Of the teachers holding license, 12 failed at the recent examination, and 12 others who are registered for " partial success" were unsuccessful candidates for completion. At the same examination 12 licensed teachers passed, and 4 obtained "partial pass." At the last examination 8 candidates were admitted without payment of fee, on their presenting medical evidence of inability to attend former examinations for which they had made due payment. The whole amount of fees received was £461 Is., and the expenses of examination, supervision, stationery, hire of rooms, &c, was £592 12s. sd. The next examination is to take place in January instead of in December. The examination papers are appended to this report. I have, &c, Wm. Jas. Habens, The Hon. the Minister of Education. Inspector-General of Schools.

[Extract from New Zealand Gazette, 31st March, 1887.] Examination of Teachers.

Education Department, Wellington, 25th March, 1887. THE following lists contain statements of the principal results of the examination held in the month of December, 1886. It must be understood that the granting of a certificate depends only in part upon the result of an examination, and that candidates who have not had the experience required by the regulations, or who do not receive the necessary marks from a School Inspector, have no claim to a certificate. The first list contains the names of the successful candidates at the examination for Class D. The second supplies similar information with regard to Class E. The third and fourth lists give the names of candidates who will be allowed to qualify for Classes D and E, respectively, bypassing at the next examination in those subjects only in which they have this year been unsuccessful. The fifth is the list of candidates who were partially successful in former years, and have now passed in the additional subjects necessary for a certificate. In the case of the candidates who relied partly upon work done at the matriculation examination, the results of that examination have been taken into consideration in preparing these lists. Every candidate will receive a private intimation of his success or failure, and those whose names are in the third and fourth lists will be advised as to the subjects in which they will have to be examined again. An asterisk against a name signifies that the candidate is too young to hold a full certificate. Teachers already classified who are entitled to promotion as a result of the examination should send in their certificates for indorsement. The next examination will take place in January, 1888, beginning about the ninth of the month. Notices must be given so as to be in. the office of the Department by the thirty-first of October. BOBERT STOUT.

I. Passed the Examination fob Class D. Auckland— Calvert, Kate. Fraser, Lucy St. Michael McKenzie. Grierson, James. Hughes, William George.

Auckland— continued. *MoLeod, Jane Eliza. Murray, Elizabeth Brown. "Shrewsbury, Elsie. Stallwortliy, John. Wanganui— Law, James Kinloch. Wellington— *Page, Margaret. Marlborough— Wrigley, Mary. Nelson — "Ainsworth, Emma Florence. Grey— Hicks, Charles. Pelling, Mary Anne. Scott, Edward Askew. Stevenson, Andrew. North Canterbury— "Alley, Frederick James. Bean, William Dallas. *Bedingfield, Douglas Shelley. "Craddock, Charles Etheridge. *Dawber, Florence. *Deakin, Margaret Lucy. Friar, Eliza. *Frizzell, Bobert. Hamilton, Kate. Harrison, Nellie. "Laing, Thomas Marshall Morrel. Marr, Thomas Meldrum. 'Bowley, Francis John. Smich-Ansted, Frederick William. Stoddart, Frances. *Veysey, Hester Anne. South Canterbury— *Donn, Agnes Macfarlane. Otago— *Farnie, Eleanor Jane. *Flamank, Oscar Davis. *Graham, Walter Brown. * Harrison, Samuel Joseph. "Haughey, James. "Hendry, Annie. "Jamieson, Jane Barbour.